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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,550 +0,0 @@
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-            <h1 class="responsive-headline">I'm Jonathan Doe.</h1>

-            <h3>I'm a Manila based <span>graphic designer</span>, <span>illustrator</span> and <span>webdesigner</span> creating awesome and

-            effective visual identities for companies of all sizes around the globe. Let's <a class="smoothscroll" href="#about">start scrolling</a>

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-         <div class="twelve columns">


-            <h1>Style Demo.</h1>


-            <p class="lead add-bottom">At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum

-            deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate.

-            At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium.

-            </p>


-            <hr>


-         </div>


-      </div> <!-- Row End-->


-      <div class="row add-bottom">


-         <div class="six columns add-bottom">


-            <h3>Paragraph and Image</h3>


-            <p><a href="#"><img width="120" height="120" class="pull-left" alt="sample-image" src="images/sample-image.jpg"></a>

-  			   Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec libero. Suspendisse bibendum.

-  			   Cras id urna. Morbi tincidunt, orci ac convallis aliquam, lectus turpis varius lorem, eu

-  			   posuere nunc justo tempus leo. Donec mattis, purus nec placerat bibendum, dui pede condimentum

-  			   odio, ac blandit ante orci ut diam. Cras fringilla magna. Phasellus suscipit, leo a pharetra

-  			   condimentum, lorem tellus eleifend magna, eget fringilla velit magna id neque.

-  			   posuere nunc justo tempus leo. </p>


-            <p>A <a href="#">link</a>,

-  			   <abbr title="this really isn't a very good description">abbrebation</abbr>,

-  			   <strong>strong text</strong>,

-            <em>em text</em>,

-  			   <del>deleted text</del>, and

-            <mark>this is a mark text.</mark>

-          	</p>


-         </div>


-         <div class="six columns add-bottom">


-            <h3>Drop Caps</h3>


-            <p class="drop-cap">Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia,

-            there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the

-            Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies

-            it with the necessary regelialia. Morbi tincidunt, orci ac convallis aliquam, lectus turpis varius lorem, eu

-  			   posuere nunc justo tempus leo. Donec mattis, purus nec placerat bibendum, dui pede condimentum

-  			   odio, ac blandit ante orci ut diam. Cras fringilla magna. Phasellus suscipit, leo a pharetra

-  			   condimentum, lorem tellus eleifend magna, eget fringilla velit magna id neque.

-  			   </p>


-            <h3>Small Print</h3>


-            <p>Buy one widget, get one free!

-  				<small>(While supplies last. Offer expires on the vernal equinox. Not valid in Ohio.)</small>

-  			   </p>


-         </div>


-         <hr />


-      </div> <!-- Row End-->


-      <div class="row add-bottom">


-         <div class="six columns add-bottom">


-            <h3>Pull Quotes</h3>


-            <aside class="pull-quote">

-    			   <blockquote>

-    				   <p>It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of

-                  sentences fly into your mouth. Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind

-                  texts it is an almost unorthographic life One day however a small line of blind text by the name

-                  of Lorem Ipsum decided to leave for the far World of Grammar.</p>

-    				</blockquote>

-    			</aside>


-         </div>


-         <div class="six columns add-bottom">


-            <h3>Block Quotes</h3>


-            <blockquote cite="">

-   			   <p>Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is

-               to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.

-               If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it.

-               </p>

-   				<cite>

-   				   <a href="#">Steve Jobs</a>

-   				</cite>

-			   </blockquote>


-            <blockquote>

-               <p>Good design is as little design as possible.</p>

-               <cite>Dieter Rams</cite>

-            </blockquote>


-         </div>


-         <hr />


-      </div> <!-- Row End-->


-      <div class="row add-bottom">


-         <div class="eight columns add-bottom">


-            <h3 class="add-bottom">Definition Lists</h3>


-            <h5>a) Multi-line Definitions (default)</h5>


-            <dl>

-			      <dt><b>This is a term</b></dt>

-				      <dd>this is the definition of that term, which both live in a <code>dl</code>.</dd>

-			      <dt><b>Another Term</b></dt>

-				      <dd>And it gets a definition too, which is this line</dd>

-				      <dd>This is a 2<sup>nd</sup> definition for a single term. A <code>dt</code> may be followed by multiple <code>dd</code>s.</dd>

-		      </dl>


-            <h5>b) Inline Definitions</h5>


-            <dl class="lining">

-			      <dt><b>This is a term</b></dt>

-				      <dd>this is the definition of that term, which both live in a <code>dl</code>.</dd>

-			      <dt><b>Another Term</b></dt>

-				      <dd class="micro">And it gets a definition too, which is this line</dd>

-				      <dd class="micro"> this is a 2<sup>nd</sup> definition for a single term.</dd>

-			      <dt><b>Term</b></dt>

-			      <dt><b>Other Defined Term</b></dt>

-				      <dd><code>dt</code> terms may stand on their own without an accompanying <code>dd</code>, but in that case they <em>share</em> descriptions with the next available <code>dt</code>. You may not have a <code>dd</code> without a parent <code>dt</code>.</dd>

-		      </dl>


-            <h5>c) Dictionary-style Definition</h5>


-            <dl class="dictionary-style">

-				   <dt><b>This is a term</b></dt>

-					   <dd>this is the definition of that term, which both live in a <code>dl</code>.</dd>

-					<dt><b>Another Term</b></dt>

-					   <dd>And it gets a definition too, which is this line</dd>

-					   <dd> this is a 2<sup>nd</sup> definition for a single term.</dd>

-					<dt><b>Term</b></dt>

-					<dt><b>Other Defined Term</b></dt>

-					   <dd><code>dt</code> terms may stand on their own without an accompanying <code>dd</code>, but in that case they <em>share</em> descriptions with the next available <code>dt</code>. You may not have a <code>dd</code> without a parent <code>dt</code>.</dd>

-				</dl>


-         </div>


-         <div class="four columns add-bottom">


-            <h3>Example Lists</h3>


-            <ol>

-				   <li>Here is an example</li>

-				   <li>of an ordered list</li>

-			   </ol>


-            <ul class="disc">

-				   <li>Here is an example</li>

-				   <li>of an unordered list</li>

-			   </ul>


-            <h3>Stats Tabs</h3>


-            <ul class="stats-tabs">

-			      <li><a href="#">1,234 <b>Sasuke</b></a></li>

-			      <li><a href="#">567 <b>Hinata</b></a></li>

-			      <li><a href="#">23,456 <b>Naruto</b></a></li>

-			      <li><a href="#">3,456 <b>Kiba</b></a></li>

-			      <li><a href="#">456 <b>Shikamaru</b></a></li>

-			      <li><a href="#">26 <b>Sakura</b></a></li>

-		      </ul>


-            <h3>Headers</h3>


-            <h1>H1 Heading</h1>

-            <h2>H2 Heading</h2>

-            <h3>H3 Heading</h3>

-            <h4>H4 Heading</h4>

-            <h5>H5 Heading</h5>

-            <h6>H6 Heading</h6>


-            <hr>


-            <h3>button</h3>


-            <a class="button" href="#">This is a button</a>


-         </div>


-         <hr />


-      </div> <!-- Row End-->


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-            <h3 class="add-bottom">Pagination</h3>


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-               <span class="page-numbers prev inactive">Prev</span>

-   	         <span class="page-numbers current">1</span>

-   	         <a href="#" class="page-numbers">2</a>

-               <a href="#" class="page-numbers">3</a>

-               <a href="#" class="page-numbers">4</a>

-               <a href="#" class="page-numbers">5</a>

-               <a href="#" class="page-numbers">6</a>

-               <a href="#" class="page-numbers">7</a>

-               <a href="#" class="page-numbers">8</a>

-               <a href="#" class="page-numbers">9</a>

-   	         <a href="#" class="page-numbers next">Next</a>


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-            <h3>Form Styles</h3>


-            <form>

-               <fieldset>


-					   <label for="regularInput">Regular Input</label>

-						<input type="text" id="regularInput">


-                  <label for="regularTextarea">Regular Textarea</label>

-						<textarea id="regularTextarea"></textarea>


-                  <label for="selectList">Select List</label>

-						<select id="selectList">

-						   <option value="Option 1">Option 1</option>

-							<option value="Option 2">Option 2</option>

-							<option value="Option 3">Option 3</option>

-							<option value="Option 4">Option 4</option>

-						</select>


-                  <fieldset>

-						   <legend>Checkboxes</legend>


-                     <label for="regularCheckbox">

-							   <input type="checkbox" value="checkbox 1" id="regularCheckbox">

-								<span>Regular Checkbox</span>

-							</label>


-                     <label for="secondRegularCheckbox">

-							   <input type="checkbox" value="checkbox 2" id="secondRegularCheckbox">

-								<span>Regular Checkbox</span>

-							</label>

-						</fieldset>


-						<fieldset>

-						   <legend>Radio Buttons</legend>


-                     <label for="regularRadio">

-							   <input type="radio" value="radio 1" id="regularRadio" name="radios">

-							   <span>Regular Radio</span>

-							</label>


-                     <label for="secondRegularRadio">

-							   <input type="radio" value="radio 2" id="secondRegularRadio" name="radios">

-								<span>Regular Radio</span>

-							</label>

-						</fieldset>


-						<button type="submit">Submit Form</button>


-               </fieldset>

-				</form>


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-            <h3 class="half-bottom">Columns</h3>

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-      <!--<h4>1/3 Columns</h4>  -->


-      <div class="row">


-         <div class="four columns">

-		      <p>Cras aliquet. Integer faucibus, eros ac molestie placerat, enim tellus varius lacus,

-            nec dictum nunc tortor id urna. Suspendisse dapibus ullamcorper pede. Vivamus ligula ipsum,

-            faucibus at, tincidunt eget, porttitor non, dolor. </p>

-	      </div>


-         <div class="four columns">

-		      <p>Cras aliquet. Integer faucibus, eros ac molestie placerat, enim tellus varius lacus,

-            nec dictum nunc tortor id urna. Suspendisse dapibus ullamcorper pede. Vivamus ligula ipsum,

-            faucibus at, tincidunt eget, porttitor non, dolor. </p>

-	      </div>


-         <div class="four columns">

-		      <p>Cras aliquet. Integer faucibus, eros ac molestie placerat, enim tellus varius lacus,

-            nec dictum nunc tortor id urna. Suspendisse dapibus ullamcorper pede. Vivamus ligula ipsum,

-            faucibus at, tincidunt eget, porttitor non, dolor. </p>

-	      </div>


-      </div>


-      <!--<h4>1/4 Columns</h4>  -->


-      <div class="row">


-         <div class="three columns">

-		      <p>Cras aliquet. Integer faucibus, eros ac molestie placerat, enim tellus varius lacus,

-            nec dictum nunc tortor id urna. Suspendisse dapibus ullamcorper pede. Vivamus ligula ipsum,

-            faucibus at, tincidunt eget, porttitor non, dolor. Ut dui lectus, ultrices ut, sodales tincidunt,

-            viverra sed, nisl. </p>

-	      </div>


-         <div class="three columns">

-		      <p>Cras aliquet. Integer faucibus, eros ac molestie placerat, enim tellus varius lacus,

-            nec dictum nunc tortor id urna. Suspendisse dapibus ullamcorper pede. Vivamus ligula ipsum,

-            faucibus at, tincidunt eget, porttitor non, dolor. Ut dui lectus, ultrices ut, sodales tincidunt,

-            viverra sed, nisl. </p>

-	      </div>


-         <div class="three columns">

-		      <p>Cras aliquet. Integer faucibus, eros ac molestie placerat, enim tellus varius lacus,

-            nec dictum nunc tortor id urna. Suspendisse dapibus ullamcorper pede. Vivamus ligula ipsum,

-            faucibus at, tincidunt eget, porttitor non, dolor. Ut dui lectus, ultrices ut, sodales tincidunt,

-            viverra sed, nisl. </p>

-	      </div>


-         <div class="three columns">

-		      <p>Cras aliquet. Integer faucibus, eros ac molestie placerat, enim tellus varius lacus,

-            nec dictum nunc tortor id urna. Suspendisse dapibus ullamcorper pede. Vivamus ligula ipsum,

-            faucibus at, tincidunt eget, porttitor non, dolor. Ut dui lectus, ultrices ut, sodales tincidunt,

-            viverra sed, nisl. </p>

-	      </div>


-      </div>


-      <!--<h4>1/2 Columns</h4>  -->


-      <div class="row">


-         <div class="six columns">

-            <p>Cras aliquet. Integer faucibus, eros ac molestie placerat, enim tellus varius lacus,

-            nec dictum nunc tortor id urna. Suspendisse dapibus ullamcorper pede. Vivamus ligula ipsum,

-            faucibus at, tincidunt eget, porttitor non, dolor. </p>

-         </div>


-         <div class="six columns">

-            <p>Cras aliquet. Integer faucibus, eros ac molestie placerat, enim tellus varius lacus,

-            nec dictum nunc tortor id urna. Suspendisse dapibus ullamcorper pede. Vivamus ligula ipsum,

-            faucibus at, tincidunt eget, porttitor non, dolor. </p>

-         </div>


-      </div>


-      <!--<h4>2/3 Columns</h4>  -->


-      <div class="row">


-         <div class="eight columns">

-            <p>Cras aliquet. Integer faucibus, eros ac molestie placerat, enim tellus varius lacus,

-            nec dictum nunc tortor id urna. Suspendisse dapibus ullamcorper pede. Vivamus ligula ipsum,

-            faucibus at, tincidunt eget, porttitor non, dolor. Integer faucibus, eros ac molestie placerat, enim tellus varius lacus,

-            nec dictum nunc tortor id urna. Suspendisse dapibus ullamcorper pede. Vivamus ligula ipsum,

-            faucibus at, tincidunt eget, porttitor non, dolor.</p>

-         </div>


-         <div class="four columns">

-            <p>Cras aliquet. Integer faucibus, eros ac molestie placerat, enim tellus varius lacus,

-            nec dictum nunc tortor id urna. Suspendisse dapibus ullamcorper pede. Vivamus ligula ipsum,

-            faucibus at, tincidunt eget, porttitor non, dolor. </p>

-         </div>


-      </div>


-      <!--<h4>3/4 Columns</h4>  -->


-      <div class="row">


-         <div class="three columns">

-		      <p>Cras aliquet. Integer faucibus, eros ac molestie placerat, enim tellus varius lacus,

-            nec dictum nunc tortor id urna. Suspendisse dapibus ullamcorper pede. Vivamus ligula ipsum,

-            faucibus at. </p>

-	      </div>


-         <div class="nine columns">

-		      <p>Cras aliquet. Integer faucibus, eros ac molestie placerat, enim tellus varius lacus,

-            nec dictum nunc tortor id urna. Suspendisse dapibus ullamcorper pede. Vivamus ligula ipsum,

-            faucibus at, tincidunt eget, porttitor non, dolor.Integer faucibus, eros ac molestie placerat, enim tellus varius lacus,

-            nec dictum nunc tortor id urna. Suspendisse dapibus ullamcorper pede. Vivamus ligula ipsum,

-            faucibus at, tincidunt eget, porttitor non, dolor. Integer faucibus, eros ac molestie placerat, enim tellus varius lacus,

-            nec dictum nunc tortor id urna. Suspendisse dapibus ullamcorper pede. Vivamus ligula ipsum,

-            faucibus at, tincidunt eget, porttitor non, dolor.</p>

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-            <h1 class="responsive-headline">Hello, <br>I'm Benjamin Harris</h1>

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-            <h3><a class="smoothscroll" href="#about">I'm a Michigan-based software developer. Scroll down to learn more.</a></h3>

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+                <h1 class="responsive-headline">Hello,

+                    <br>I'm Benjamin Harris</h1>

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+                <h3>

+                    <a class="smoothscroll" href="#about">I'm a Michigan-based software developer. Scroll down to learn more.</a>

+                </h3>

+                <hr />

+                <?php include 'social.html'; ?>

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-            <img class="profile-pic"  src="images/profilepic.jpg" alt="" />

+                <img class="profile-pic" src="images/profilepic.jpg" alt="" />


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-         <div class="nine columns main-col">

+            <div class="nine columns main-col">


-            <h2>About Me</h2>

+                <h2>About Me</h2>


-            <p>I studied computer science at Northern Michigan University. I'm into full-stack web development. I love to travel and have lived in Ecuador and Switzerland.

-            </p>

+                <p>I studied computer science at Northern Michigan University. I'm into full-stack web development. I love to

+                    travel and have lived in Ecuador and Switzerland.

+                </p>


-            <p>Check out what I'm up to <a href="/now">now</a>.</p>

+                <p>Check out what I'm up to

+                    <a href="/now">now</a>.</p>


-            <div class="row">

+                <div class="row">


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-                  <p>

-                     <a href="/resume.pdf" class="button"><i class="fa fa-download"></i>Download/View Resume</a>

-                  </p>

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+                        <p>

+                            <a href="/resume.pdf" class="button">

+                                <i class="fa fa-download"></i>Download/View Resume</a>

+                        </p>

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+    <!-- About Section End-->



-   <!-- Resume Section

+    <!-- Resume Section

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+    <section id="resume">


-      <!-- Education

+        <!-- Education

       ----------------------------------------------- -->

-      <div class="row education">

+        <div class="row education">


-         <div class="three columns header-col">

-            <h1><span>Education</span></h1>

-         </div>

+            <div class="three columns header-col">

+                <h1>

+                    <span>Education</span>

+                </h1>

+            </div>


-         <div class="nine columns main-col">

+            <div class="nine columns main-col">


-            <div class="row item">

+                <div class="row item">


-               <div class="twelve columns">

+                    <div class="twelve columns">


-                  <h3>Northern Michigan University</h3>

-                  <p class="info">Bachelor of Arts - Computer Science/Economics double major, Mathematics minor <span>&bull;</span> <em class="date">August 2013 - May 2017</em></p>

+                        <h3>Northern Michigan University</h3>

+                        <p class="info">Bachelor of Arts - Computer Science/Economics double major, Mathematics minor

+                            <span>&bull;</span>

+                            <em class="date">August 2013 - May 2017</em>

+                        </p>


-                  <p>

-                  Standard Computer Science curriculum with an emphasis on Test-Driven development, agile development, and sturdy, maintainable code.

-                  </p>

+                        <p>

+                            Standard Computer Science curriculum with an emphasis on Test-Driven development, agile development, and sturdy, maintainable

+                            code.

+                        </p>


-               </div>

+                    </div>


-            </div> <!-- item end -->

+                </div>

+                <!-- item end -->


-            <div class="row item">

+                <div class="row item">


-               <div class="twelve columns">

+                    <div class="twelve columns">


-                  <h3>Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW)</h3>

-                  <p class="info">Study Abroad Exchange Semester <span>&bull;</span> <em class="date">February - July 2015</em></p>

+                        <h3>Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW)</h3>

+                        <p class="info">Study Abroad Exchange Semester

+                            <span>&bull;</span>

+                            <em class="date">February - July 2015</em>

+                        </p>


-                  <p>

-                  Continued Computer Science coursework in German.

-                  </p>

+                        <p>

+                            Continued Computer Science coursework in German.

+                        </p>


-               </div>

+                    </div>


-            </div> <!-- item end -->

+                </div>

+                <!-- item end -->


-         </div> <!-- main-col end -->

+            </div>

+            <!-- main-col end -->


-      </div> <!-- End Education -->

+        </div>

+        <!-- End Education -->



-      <!-- Work

+        <!-- Work

       ----------------------------------------------- -->

-      <div class="row work">

+        <div class="row work">


-         <div class="three columns header-col">

-            <h1><span>Work</span></h1>

-         </div>

+            <div class="three columns header-col">

+                <h1>

+                    <span>Work</span>

+                </h1>

+            </div>


-         <div class="nine columns main-col">

+            <div class="nine columns main-col">


-            <div class="row item">

+                <div class="row item">


-               <div class="twelve columns">

+                    <div class="twelve columns">


-                  <h3>Hagerty Insurance Agency</h3>

-                  <p class="info">Developer <span>&bull;</span> <em class="date">December 2017 - Present</em></p>

+                        <h3>Hagerty Insurance Agency</h3>

+                        <p class="info">Developer

+                            <span>&bull;</span>

+                            <em class="date">December 2017 - Present</em>

+                        </p>


-                  <p>

-                  Work on the Automation release train to improve business processes across the board.

-                  </p>

+                        <p>

+                            Work on the Automation release train to improve business processes across the board.

+                        </p>


-               </div>

+                    </div>


-            </div> <!-- item end -->

+                </div>

+                <!-- item end -->


-            <div class="row item">

+                <div class="row item">


-               <div class="twelve columns">

+                    <div class="twelve columns">


-                  <h3>Hagerty Insurance Agency</h3>

-                  <p class="info">Test Engineer <span>&bull;</span> <em class="date">June - December 2017</em></p>

+                        <h3>Hagerty Insurance Agency</h3>

+                        <p class="info">Test Engineer

+                            <span>&bull;</span>

+                            <em class="date">June - December 2017</em>

+                        </p>


-                  <p>

-                  Work on the Apps Development team to improve processes, verify code changes, and collaborate with business stakeholders to ensure software results and performance.

-                  </p>

+                        <p>

+                            Work on the Apps Development team to improve processes, verify code changes, and collaborate with business stakeholders to

+                            ensure software results and performance.

+                        </p>


-               </div>

+                    </div>


-            </div> <!-- item end -->

+                </div>

+                <!-- item end -->


-            <div class="row item">

+                <div class="row item">


-               <div class="twelve columns">

+                    <div class="twelve columns">


-                  <h3>Northern Michigan University</h3>

-                  <p class="info">Student Programmer, Business Intelligence/Information Systems <span>&bull;</span> <em class="date">May 2014 - May 2017</em></p>

+                        <h3>Northern Michigan University</h3>

+                        <p class="info">Student Programmer, Business Intelligence/Information Systems

+                            <span>&bull;</span>

+                            <em class="date">May 2014 - May 2017</em>

+                        </p>


-                  <p>

-                  Worked under Enterprise Software Director to build web applications meant for internal student and staff use. Gained skills and experience in self-direction and full-stack web development, including PHP, Oracle SQL, jQuery, and Bootstrap.

-                  </p>

+                        <p>

+                            Worked under Enterprise Software Director to build web applications meant for internal student and staff use. Gained skills

+                            and experience in self-direction and full-stack web development, including PHP, Oracle SQL, jQuery,

+                            and Bootstrap.

+                        </p>


-               </div>

+                    </div>


-            </div> <!-- item end -->

+                </div>

+                <!-- item end -->


-            <div class="row item">

+                <div class="row item">


-               <div class="twelve columns">

+                    <div class="twelve columns">


-                  <h3>Iron Fish Distillery</h3>

-                  <p class="info">App Developer/Webmaster <span>&bull;</span> <em class="date">June 2016 - Present</em></p>

+                        <h3>Iron Fish Distillery</h3>

+                        <p class="info">App Developer/Webmaster

+                            <span>&bull;</span>

+                            <em class="date">June 2016 - Present</em>

+                        </p>


-                  <p>

-                  Build and maintain several web applications for internal use. Also in charge of maintenance of the current Wordpress site.

-                  </p>

+                        <p>

+                            Build and maintain several web applications for internal use. Also in charge of maintenance of the current Wordpress site.

+                        </p>


-               </div>

+                    </div>


-            </div> <!-- item end -->

+                </div>

+                <!-- item end -->


-         </div> <!-- main-col end -->

+            </div>

+            <!-- main-col end -->


-      </div> <!-- End Work -->

+        </div>

+        <!-- End Work -->



-      <!-- Skills

+        <!-- Skills

       ----------------------------------------------- -->

-      <div class="row skill">


-         <div class="three columns header-col">

-            <h1><span>Skills</span></h1>

-         </div>


-         <div class="nine columns main-col">


-            <p>There are some of my most notable skills:

-            </p>

+        <div class="row skill">


-				<div class="bars">


-				   <ul class="skills">

-                  <li><span class="bar-expand php"></span><em>PHP</em></li>

-                  <li><span class="bar-expand sql"></span><em>SQL</em></li>

-                  <li><span class="bar-expand python"></span><em>python</em></li>

-                  <li><span class="bar-expand cpp"></span><em>C++</em></li>

-                  <li><span class="bar-expand jquery"></span><em>jQuery</em></li>

-                  <li><span class="bar-expand unix-admin"></span><em>Unix Administration</em></li>

-                  <li><span class="bar-expand git"></span><em>Git</em></li>

-                  <li><span class="bar-expand unit-testing"></span><em>Unit Testing</em></li>

-						<li><span class="bar-expand bootstrap"></span><em>Bootstrap</em></li>

-					</ul>

+            <div class="three columns header-col">

+                <h1>

+                    <span>Skills</span>

+                </h1>

+            </div>


-				</div><!-- end skill-bars -->

+            <div class="nine columns main-col">


+                <p>There are some of my most notable skills:

+                </p>


+                <div class="bars">


+                    <ul class="skills">

+                        <li>

+                            <span class="bar-expand php"></span>

+                            <em>PHP</em>

+                        </li>

+                        <li>

+                            <span class="bar-expand sql"></span>

+                            <em>SQL</em>

+                        </li>

+                        <li>

+                            <span class="bar-expand python"></span>

+                            <em>python</em>

+                        </li>

+                        <li>

+                            <span class="bar-expand cpp"></span>

+                            <em>C++</em>

+                        </li>

+                        <li>

+                            <span class="bar-expand jquery"></span>

+                            <em>jQuery</em>

+                        </li>

+                        <li>

+                            <span class="bar-expand unix-admin"></span>

+                            <em>Unix Administration</em>

+                        </li>

+                        <li>

+                            <span class="bar-expand git"></span>

+                            <em>Git</em>

+                        </li>

+                        <li>

+                            <span class="bar-expand unit-testing"></span>

+                            <em>Unit Testing</em>

+                        </li>

+                        <li>

+                            <span class="bar-expand bootstrap"></span>

+                            <em>Bootstrap</em>

+                        </li>

+                    </ul>


+                </div>

+                <!-- end skill-bars -->


-			</div> <!-- main-col end -->

+            </div>

+            <!-- main-col end -->


-      </div> <!-- End skills -->

+        </div>

+        <!-- End skills -->


-   </section> <!-- Resume Section End-->

+    </section>

+    <!-- Resume Section End-->




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+                <h1>

+                    <span>Get In Touch.</span>

+                </h1>




             <div class="ten columns">


-                  <p class="lead">Let me know if you have any cool ideas or want to work together on something! Feel free to send me a message on <a href="">Telegram</a> or send me an email with this form here.</p>

+                <p class="lead">Let me know if you have any cool ideas or want to work together on something! Feel free to send me a message

+                    on

+                    <a href="">Telegram</a> or send me an email with this form here.</p>




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+                            <input type="text" value="" size="35" id="contactSubject" name="contactSubject">

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+                                <span class="required">*</span>

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+                <div id="message-warning"> Error boy</div>

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-					   <h4>Hi!</h4>

-                        <p>I look forward to hearing from you!</p>

+                    <h4>Hi!</h4>

+                    <p>I look forward to hearing from you!</p>


-     		   </div>

+                </div>




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-<?php include 'footer.php';


+    <?php include 'footer.php';

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