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path: root/fish/.config
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'fish/.config')
24 files changed, 6 insertions, 2531 deletions
diff --git a/fish/.config/fish/completions/gitignore.fish b/fish/.config/fish/completions/gitignore.fish
deleted file mode 120000
index a9ccd3e..0000000
--- a/fish/.config/fish/completions/gitignore.fish
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fish/.config/fish/completions/nvm.fish b/fish/.config/fish/completions/nvm.fish
deleted file mode 120000
index 693cb44..0000000
--- a/fish/.config/fish/completions/nvm.fish
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fish/.config/fish/completions/spin.fish b/fish/.config/fish/completions/spin.fish
deleted file mode 120000
index 8fa7ba6..0000000
--- a/fish/.config/fish/completions/spin.fish
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fish/.config/fish/conf.d/done.fish b/fish/.config/fish/conf.d/done.fish
deleted file mode 120000
index 1a3d817..0000000
--- a/fish/.config/fish/conf.d/done.fish
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fish/.config/fish/config.fish b/fish/.config/fish/config.fish
index 3efc468..a3865fb 100755
--- a/fish/.config/fish/config.fish
+++ b/fish/.config/fish/config.fish
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
 status --is-login; and status --is-interactive; and exec byobu-launcher
-set -xg EDITOR nvim
+if type -q nvim > /dev/null
+  set -xg EDITOR nvim
+  set -xg EDITOR vim
 set -xg TZ 'America/Detroit'
 set -g theme_nerd_fonts yes
diff --git a/fish/.config/fish/fishfile b/fish/.config/fish/fishfile
deleted file mode 100755
index fdf65a8..0000000
--- a/fish/.config/fish/fishfile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/fish/.config/fish/functions/__bass.py b/fish/.config/fish/functions/__bass.py
deleted file mode 120000
index aaa572b..0000000
--- a/fish/.config/fish/functions/__bass.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fish/.config/fish/functions/__can_run_command.fish b/fish/.config/fish/functions/__can_run_command.fish
deleted file mode 120000
index a693299..0000000
--- a/fish/.config/fish/functions/__can_run_command.fish
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fish/.config/fish/functions/__nvm_run.fish b/fish/.config/fish/functions/__nvm_run.fish
deleted file mode 120000
index ae450ee..0000000
--- a/fish/.config/fish/functions/__nvm_run.fish
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fish/.config/fish/functions/bass.fish b/fish/.config/fish/functions/bass.fish
deleted file mode 120000
index 42c6e65..0000000
--- a/fish/.config/fish/functions/bass.fish
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fish/.config/fish/functions/fisher.fish b/fish/.config/fish/functions/fisher.fish
deleted file mode 100644
index 0306b49..0000000
--- a/fish/.config/fish/functions/fisher.fish
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2496 +0,0 @@
-if not set -q fisher_cmd_name
-    status --current-filename | command awk '
-        {
-            if (n = split($0, parts, "/")) {
-                gsub(/\.fish$/, "", parts[n])
-                print(parts[n])
-            }
-        }
-    ' | read -gx fisher_cmd_name
-if test -z "$fisher_cmd_name"
-    set -gx fisher_cmd_name "fisher"
-function $fisher_cmd_name -d "fish plugin manager"
-    switch "$FISH_VERSION"
-        case 2.1.2 2.1.1 2.1.0 2.0.0
-            echo "You need fish 2.2.0 or higher to use fisherman."
-            if type brew >/dev/null 2>&1
-                echo "Run: brew upgrade fish"
-            else
-                echo "
-                    Refer to your package manager documentation for
-                    instructions on how to upgrade your fish build.
-                "
-            end
-            return 1
-        case 2.2.0
-            __fisher_log info "
-                You need fish 2.3.0 or higher to take advantage of snippets.
-                Without it some plugins might not work.
-            "
-            if type -q brew
-                __fisher_log info "Please run &brew upgrade fish&"
-            else
-                __fisher_log info "
-                    Refer to your package manager documentation
-                    for instructions on how to upgrade your fish build.
-                    If you can not upgrade, append the following code
-                    to your ~/.config/fish/config.fish:
-                    &for file in ~/.config/fish/conf.d/*.fish&
-                    	&source \$file&
-                    &end&
-                "
-            end
-    end
-    set -g fisher_version "2.13.2"
-    set -g fisher_spinners ⠋ ⠙ ⠹ ⠸ ⠼ ⠴ ⠦ ⠧ ⠇ ⠏
-    if [ -e /dev/stdout ]
-      set -g __fisher_stdout /dev/stdout
-    else if [ -e /proc/self/fd/1 ]
-      set -g __fisher_stdout /proc/self/fd/1
-    else
-      echo "No suitable stdout"
-      return 1
-    end
-    if [ -e /dev/stderr ]
-      set -g __fisher_stderr /dev/stderr
-    else if [ -e /proc/self/fd/2 ]
-      set -g __fisher_stderr /proc/self/fd/2
-    else
-      echo "No suitable stderr"
-      return 1
-    end
-    function __fisher_show_spinner
-        if not set -q __fisher_fg_spinner[1]
-            set -g __fisher_fg_spinner $fisher_spinners
-        end
-        printf "  $__fisher_fg_spinner[1]\r" >&2
-        set -e __fisher_fg_spinner[1]
-    end
-    set -l config_home $XDG_CONFIG_HOME
-    set -l cache_home $XDG_CACHE_HOME
-    if test -z "$config_home"
-        set config_home ~/.config
-    end
-    if test -z "$cache_home"
-        set cache_home ~/.cache
-    end
-    if test -z "$fish_config"
-        set -g fish_config "$config_home/fish"
-    end
-    if test -z "$fisher_config"
-        set -g fisher_config "$config_home/fisherman"
-    end
-    if test -z "$fisher_cache"
-        set -g fisher_cache "$cache_home/fisherman"
-    end
-    if test -z "$fish_path"
-        set -g fish_path "$fish_config"
-    end
-    if test -z "$fisher_file"
-        set -g fisher_file "$fish_path/fishfile"
-    end
-    switch "$argv[1]"
-        case --complete
-            __fisher_complete
-            return
-        case -v --version
-            __fisher_version
-            return
-        case -h
-            __fisher_usage >&2
-            return
-    end
-    command mkdir -p {"$fish_path","$fish_config"}/{conf.d,functions,completions} "$fisher_config" "$fisher_cache"
-    or return 1
-    set -l completions "$fish_path/completions/$fisher_cmd_name.fish"
-    if test ! -e "$completions"
-        echo "$fisher_cmd_name --complete" > "$completions"
-        __fisher_complete
-    end
-    for i in -q --quiet
-        if set -l index (builtin contains --index -- $i $argv)
-            set -e argv[$index]
-            set __fisher_stdout /dev/null
-            set __fisher_stderr /dev/null
-            break
-        end
-    end
-    set -l cmd
-    switch "$argv[1]"
-        case i install
-            set -e argv[1]
-            if test -z "$argv"
-                set cmd "default"
-            else
-                set cmd "install"
-            end
-        case u up update
-            set -e argv[1]
-            set cmd "update"
-        case r rm remove uninstall
-            set -e argv[1]
-            set cmd "rm"
-        case l ls list
-            set -e argv[1]
-            set cmd "ls"
-        case info ls-remote
-            set -e argv[1]
-            set cmd "ls-remote"
-        case h help
-            set -e argv[1]
-            __fisher_help $argv
-            return
-        case --help
-            set -e argv[1]
-            __fisher_help
-            return
-        case -- ""
-            set -e argv[1]
-            if test -z "$argv"
-                set cmd "default"
-            else
-                set cmd "install"
-            end
-        case self-{uninstall,destroy}
-            set -e argv[1]
-            __fisher_self_uninstall $argv
-            return
-        case -\*\?
-            printf "$fisher_cmd_name: '%s' is not a valid option\n" "$argv[1]" >&2
-            __fisher_usage >&2
-            return 1
-        case \*
-            set cmd "install"
-    end
-    set -l elapsed (__fisher_get_epoch_in_ms)
-    set -l items (
-        if test ! -z "$argv"
-            printf "%s\n" $argv | __fisher_read_bundle_file
-        end
-    )
-    if test -z "$items" -a "$cmd" = "default"
-        if isatty
-            command touch "$fisher_file"
-            set cmd "install"
-            set items (__fisher_read_bundle_file < "$fisher_file")
-            if test -z "$items"
-                __fisher_log info "
-                    No plugins to install or dependencies missing.
-                " >&2
-                __fisher_log info "
-                    See &$fisher_cmd_name help& for usage instructions.
-                " >&2
-                return
-            end
-        else
-            set cmd "install"
-        end
-    end
-    switch "$cmd"
-        case install update
-            if not command -s git > /dev/null
-                __fisher_log error "
-                    git is required to download plugin repositories.
-                " >&2
-                __fisher_log info "
-                    Please install git and try again.
-                    Visit <&https://git-scm.com&> for more information.
-                " >&2
-                return 1
-            end
-        case ls ls-remote
-            if not command -s curl > /dev/null
-                __fisher_log error "
-                    curl is required to query the GitHub API.
-                " >&2
-                __fisher_log info "
-                    Please install curl and try again.
-                    Refer to your package manager documentation for instructions.
-                " >&2
-                return 1
-            end
-    end
-    switch "$cmd"
-        case install
-            if __fisher_install $items
-                __fisher_log info "Done in &"(__fisher_get_epoch_in_ms $elapsed | __fisher_humanize_duration)"&" "$__fisher_stderr"
-            end
-        case update
-            if isatty
-                if test -z "$items"
-                    set items (__fisher_list | command sed 's/^[@* ]*//')
-                    if not __fisher_self_update
-                        if test -z "$items"
-                            __fisher_log info "Use your package manager to update fisherman."
-                            return 1
-                        end
-                    end
-                end
-            else
-                __fisher_parse_column_output | __fisher_read_bundle_file | read -laz _items
-                set items $items $_items
-            end
-            __fisher_update $items
-            __fisher_log info "Done in &"(__fisher_get_epoch_in_ms $elapsed | __fisher_humanize_duration)"&" "$__fisher_stderr"
-        case ls
-            if test (count "$argv") -ge 0 -o "$argv" = -
-                if isatty stdout
-                    __fisher_list | column -c$argv
-                else
-                    __fisher_list | sed 's|^[@* ]*||'
-                end
-            else
-                __fisher_list_plugin_directory $argv
-            end
-        case ls-remote
-            set -l format
-            if test ! -z "$argv"
-                switch "$argv[1]"
-                    case --format\*
-                        set format (printf "%s\n" "$argv[1]" | command sed 's|^--[^= ]*[= ]\(.*\)|\1|')
-                        set -e argv[1]
-                end
-                if test -z "$format"
-                    set format "%info\n%url\n"
-                end
-            end
-            if test -z "$format"
-                set format "%name\n"
-                if isatty stdout
-                    __fisher_list_remote "$format" $argv | column
-                else
-                    __fisher_list_remote "$format" $argv
-                end
-            else
-                __fisher_list_remote "$format" $argv
-            end
-        case rm
-            if test -z "$items"
-                __fisher_parse_column_output | __fisher_read_bundle_file | read -az items
-            end
-            for i in $items
-                set -l name (__fisher_plugin_get_names $i)[1]
-                if test ! -d "$fisher_config/$name"
-                    set -e items
-                    if test -L "$fisher_config/$name"
-                        set -l real_path (command readlink "$fisher_config/$name")
-                        __fisher_log error "
-                            I can't remove &$name& without its real path.
-                        " "$__fisher_stderr"
-                        __fisher_log info "
-                            Restore &$real_path& and try again.
-                        " "$__fisher_stderr"
-                    else
-                        __fisher_log error "Plugin &$name& is not installed." "$__fisher_stderr"
-                    end
-                    break
-                end
-            end
-            if test ! -z "$items"
-                __fisher_remove $items
-                __fisher_log info "Done in &"(
-                    __fisher_get_epoch_in_ms $elapsed | __fisher_humanize_duration)"&" "$__fisher_stderr"
-            end
-    end
-    set -l config_glob $fisher_config/*
-    set -l config (
-        if test ! -z "$config_glob"
-            command find $config_glob -maxdepth 0 -type d | command sed "s|.*/||"
-        end
-    )
-    switch "$cmd"
-        case ls ls-remote
-        case \*
-            if test -z "$config"
-                echo > "$fisher_file"
-                set -e fisher_dependency_count
-            else
-                __fisher_plugin_get_url_info -- "$fisher_config"/$config > $fisher_file
-            end
-    end
-    complete -c $fisher_cmd_name --erase
-    __fisher_complete
-function __fisher_install
-    if test -z "$argv"
-        __fisher_read_bundle_file | read -az argv
-    end
-    set -e __fisher_fetch_plugins_state
-    if set -l fetched (__fisher_plugin_fetch_items (__fisher_plugin_get_missing $argv))
-        if test -z "$fetched"
-            __fisher_log info "
-                No plugins to install or dependencies missing.
-            " "$__fisher_stderr"
-            return 1
-        end
-        for i in $fetched
-            __fisher_show_spinner
-            if test -f "$fisher_config/$i/fishfile"
-                while read -l i
-                    set -l name (__fisher_plugin_get_names "$i")[1]
-                    if contains -- "$name" $fetched
-                        if contains -- "$name" $argv
-                            __fisher_plugin_increment_ref_count "$name"
-                        end
-                    else
-                        __fisher_plugin_increment_ref_count "$name"
-                    end
-                end < "$fisher_config/$i/fishfile"
-            end
-            __fisher_show_spinner
-            __fisher_plugin_increment_ref_count "$i"
-            set -l path "$fisher_config/$i"
-            if __fisher_plugin_is_prompt "$path"
-                if test ! -z "$fisher_active_prompt"
-                    __fisher_remove "$fisher_active_prompt"
-                end
-                set -U fisher_active_prompt "$i"
-            end
-            __fisher_plugin_enable "$path"
-        end
-    else
-        __fisher_log error "
-            There was an error installing &$fetched& or more plugin/s.
-        " "$__fisher_stderr"
-        __fisher_log info "
-            Try using a namespace before the plugin name: &owner&/$fetched
-        " "$__fisher_stderr"
-        return 1
-    end
-function __fisher_plugin_fetch_items
-    __fisher_show_spinner
-    set -l jobs
-    set -l links
-    set -l white
-    set -l count (count $argv)
-    if test "$count" -eq 0
-        return
-    end
-    switch "$__fisher_fetch_plugins_state"
-        case ""
-            if test "$count" = 1 -a -d "$argv[1]"
-                if test "$argv[1]" = "$PWD"
-                    set -l home ~
-                    set -l name (printf "%s\n" "$argv[1]" | command sed "s|$home|~|")
-                    __fisher_log info "Installing &$name& " "$__fisher_stderr"
-                else
-                    set -l name (printf "%s\n" "$argv[1]" | command sed "s|$PWD/||")
-                    __fisher_log info "Installing &$name& " "$__fisher_stderr"
-                end
-            else
-                __fisher_log info "Installing &$count& plugin/s" "$__fisher_stderr"
-            end
-            set -g __fisher_fetch_plugins_state "fetching"
-        case "fetching"
-            if test "$count" -eq 1
-                __fisher_log info "Installing &1& dependency" "$__fisher_stderr"
-            else
-                __fisher_log info "Installing &$count& dependencies" "$__fisher_stderr"
-            end
-            set -g __fisher_fetch_plugins_state "done"
-        case "done"
-    end
-    for i in $argv
-        set -l names
-        set -l branch
-        switch "$i"
-            case \*gist.github.com\*
-                __fisher_log okay "Resolving gist name."
-                if not set names (__fisher_get_plugin_name_from_gist "$i") ""
-                    __fisher_log error "
-                        I couldn't clone this gist:
-                        &$i&
-                    "
-                    continue
-                end
-            case \*
-                printf "%s\n" "$i" | sed 's/[@:]\(.*\)/ \1/' | read i branch
-                set names (__fisher_plugin_get_names "$i")
-        end
-        if test -d "$i"
-            command ln -sf "$i" "$fisher_config/$names[1]"
-            set links $links "$names[1]"
-            continue
-        end
-        set -l src "$fisher_cache/$names[1]"
-        if test -z "$names[2]"
-            if test -d "$src" -a -z "$branch"
-                if test ! -d "$fisher_config/$names[1]"
-                    __fisher_log okay "Copy &$names[1]&" "$__fisher_stderr"
-                end
-                if test -L "$src"
-                    command ln -sf "$src" "$fisher_config"
-                else
-                    command cp -Rf "$src" "$fisher_config"
-                end
-            else
-                set jobs $jobs (__fisher_plugin_url_clone_async "$i" "$names[1]" "$branch")
-            end
-        else
-            if test -d "$src" -a -z "$branch"
-                set -l real_namespace (__fisher_plugin_get_url_info --dirname "$src")
-                if test "$real_namespace" = "$names[2]"
-                    if test ! -d "$fisher_config/$names[1]"
-                        __fisher_log okay "Copy &$names[1]&" "$__fisher_stderr"
-                    end
-                    command cp -Rf "$src" "$fisher_config"
-                else
-                    set jobs $jobs (__fisher_plugin_url_clone_async "$i" "$names[1]" "$branch")
-                end
-            else
-                set jobs $jobs (__fisher_plugin_url_clone_async "$i" "$names[1]" "$branch")
-            end
-        end
-        set fetched $fetched "$names[1]"
-    end
-    __fisher_jobs_await $jobs
-    for i in $fetched
-        if test ! -d "$fisher_cache/$i"
-            printf "%s\n" "$i"
-            for i in $fetched
-                if test -d "$fisher_config/$i"
-                    command rm -rf "$fisher_config/$i"
-                end
-            end
-            return 1
-        end
-    end
-    if test ! -z "$fetched"
-        __fisher_plugin_fetch_items (__fisher_plugin_get_missing $fetched)
-        printf "%s\n" $fetched
-    end
-    if test ! -z "$links"
-        __fisher_plugin_fetch_items (__fisher_plugin_get_missing $links)
-        printf "%s\n" $links
-    end
-function __fisher_plugin_url_clone_async -a url name branch
-    switch "$url"
-        case http://\* https://\*
-        case {gitlab.com,github.com,bitbucket.org}\*
-            set url "https://$url"
-        case \?\*/\?\*
-            set url "https://github.com/$url"
-        case \*
-            set url "https://github.com/fisherman/$url"
-    end
-    set -l nc (set_color normal)
-    set -l error (set_color $fish_color_error)
-    set -l okay (set_color $fish_color_match)
-    set -l hm_url (printf "%s\n" "$url" | command sed 's|^https://||')
-    if test ! -z "$branch"
-        set hm_url "$hm_url ($branch)"
-        set branch -b "$branch"
-    end
-    fish -c "
-            set -lx GIT_ASKPASS /bin/echo
-            if test -d '$fisher_cache/$name'
-                command rm -rf '$fisher_cache/$name'
-            end
-            if command git clone $branch -q --depth 1 '$url' '$fisher_cache/$name' ^ /dev/null
-                  printf '$okay""OK""$nc Fetch $okay%s$nc %s\n' '$name' '$hm_url' > $__fisher_stderr
-                  command cp -Rf '$fisher_cache/$name' '$fisher_config'
-            else
-                  printf '$error""!""$nc Fetch $error%s$nc %s\n' '$name' '$hm_url' > $__fisher_stderr
-            end
-      " >&2
-    __fisher_jobs_get -l
-function __fisher_update
-    set -l jobs
-    set -l count (count $argv)
-    set -l updated
-    set -l links 0
-    if test "$count" = 0
-        return
-    end
-    if test "$count" -eq 1
-        __fisher_log info "Updating &$count& plugin" "$__fisher_stderr"
-    else
-        __fisher_log info "Updating &$count& plugins" "$__fisher_stderr"
-    end
-    for i in $argv
-        set -l name (__fisher_plugin_get_names "$i")[1]
-        set -l path "$fisher_config/$name"
-        if test -d "$path"
-            set updated $updated "$name"
-            if test -L "$fisher_config/$name"
-                set links (math "$links + 1")
-                continue
-            end
-            set jobs $jobs (__fisher_update_path_async "$name" "$path")
-        else
-            __fisher_log error "Skipped &$name&"
-        end
-    end
-    __fisher_jobs_await $jobs
-    set -g __fisher_fetch_plugins_state "fetching"
-    set -l fetched (__fisher_plugin_fetch_items (__fisher_plugin_get_missing $updated))
-    for i in $updated $fetched
-        __fisher_plugin_enable "$fisher_config/$i"
-    end
-    if test "$links" -gt 0
-        __fisher_log info "Synced &$links& symlink/s" "$__fisher_stderr"
-    end
-function __fisher_self_update
-    set -l file (status --current-filename)
-    if test "$file" != "$fish_config/functions/$fisher_cmd_name.fish"
-        return 1
-    end
-    set -l completions "$fish_config/completions/$fisher_cmd_name.fish"
-    set -l raw_url "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fisherman/fisherman/master/fisher.fish"
-    set -l fake_qs (date "+%s")
-    set -l previous_version "$fisher_version"
-    fish -c "curl --max-time 5 -sS '$raw_url?$fake_qs' > $file.$fake_qs" &
-    __fisher_jobs_await (__fisher_jobs_get -l)
-    if test -s "$file.$fake_qs"
-        command mv "$file.$fake_qs" "$file"
-    end
-    builtin source "$file" ^ /dev/null
-    echo "$fisher_cmd_name -v" | source > /dev/null
-    set -l new_version "$fisher_version"
-    echo "$fisher_cmd_name --complete" > "$completions"
-    builtin source "$completions" ^ /dev/null
-    if test "$previous_version" = "$fisher_version"
-        __fisher_log okay "fisherman is up to date" "$__fisher_stderr"
-    else
-        __fisher_log okay "You are running fisherman &$fisher_version&" "$__fisher_stderr"
-        __fisher_log info "See github.com/fisherman/fisherman/releases" "$__fisher_stderr"
-    end
-function __fisher_update_path_async -a name path
-    set -l nc (set_color normal)
-    set -l error (set_color $fish_color_match)
-    set -l okay (set_color $fish_color_match)
-    fish -c "
-        pushd $path
-        set -l branch (basename (command git symbolic-ref HEAD ^ /dev/null))
-        set -l hm_branch
-        if test -z \"\$branch\"
-            set branch master
-        end
-        if test \"\$branch\" != master
-            set hm_branch \" (\$branch)\"
-        end
-        if not command git fetch -q origin \$branch ^ /dev/null
-            printf '$error""!""$nc Fetch $error%s$nc\n' '$name' > $__fisher_stderr
-            exit
-        end
-        set -l commits (command git rev-list --left-right --count \$branch..FETCH_HEAD ^ /dev/null | cut -d\t -f2)
-        command git reset -q --hard FETCH_HEAD ^ /dev/null
-        command git clean -qdfx
-        command cp -Rf '$path/.' '$fisher_cache/$name'
-        if test -z \"\$commits\" -o \"\$commits\" -eq 0
-            printf '$okay""OK""$nc Latest $okay%s$nc%s\n' '$name' \$hm_branch > $__fisher_stderr
-        else
-            printf '$okay""OK""$nc Pulled $okay%s$nc new commit/s $okay%s$nc%s\n' \$commits '$name' \$hm_branch > $__fisher_stderr
-        end
-    " >&2 &
-    __fisher_jobs_get -l
-function __fisher_plugin_enable -a path
-    set -l plugin_name (basename $path)
-    for file in $path/{functions/*,}*.fish
-        set -l base (basename "$file")
-        if test "$base" = "uninstall.fish"
-            continue
-        end
-        switch "$base"
-            case {,fish_{,user_}}key_bindings.fish
-                __fisher_key_bindings_remove "$plugin_name"
-                __fisher_key_bindings_append "$plugin_name" "$file"
-                continue
-        end
-        set -l dir "functions"
-        if test "$base" = "init.fish"
-            set dir "conf.d"
-            set base "$plugin_name.$base"
-        end
-        set -l target "$fish_path/$dir/$base"
-        if test -e "$target" -a ! -L "$target"
-            set -l backup_target "$fish_path/$dir/copy-$base"
-            __fisher_log info "Backup &$base&" "$__fisher_stderr"
-            command mv -f "$target" "$backup_target" ^ /dev/null
-        end
-        command ln -sf "$file" "$target"
-        builtin source "$target" ^ /dev/null
-        if test "$base" = "set_color_custom.fish"
-            if test ! -s "$fish_path/fish_colors"
-                __fisher_print_fish_colors > "$fish_path/fish_colors"
-            end
-            set_color_custom
-        end
-    end
-    for file in $path/{functions/,}*.{py,awk}
-        set -l base (basename "$file")
-        command ln -sf "$file" "$fish_path/functions/$base"
-    end
-    for file in $path/conf.d/*.{py,awk}
-        set -l base (basename "$file")
-        command ln -sf "$file" "$fish_path/conf.d/$base"
-    end
-    for file in $path/conf.d/*.fish
-        set -l base (basename "$file")
-        set -l target "$fish_path/conf.d/$base"
-        command ln -sf "$file" "$target"
-        builtin source "$target" ^ /dev/null
-    end
-    for file in $path/completions/*.fish
-        set -l base (basename "$file")
-        set -l target "$fish_path/completions/$base"
-        command ln -sf "$file" "$target"
-        builtin source "$target" ^ /dev/null
-    end
-    return 0
-function __fisher_plugin_disable -a path
-    set -l plugin_name (basename $path)
-    for i in "$path/functions/uninstall.fish" "$path/uninstall.fish"
-        if test -s "$i"
-            builtin source "$i" ^ /dev/null
-            break
-        end
-    end
-    for file in $path/{functions/*,}*.fish
-        set -l name (basename "$file" .fish)
-        set -l base "$name.fish"
-        if test "$base" = "uninstall.fish"
-            continue
-        end
-        switch "$base"
-            case {,fish_}key_bindings.fish
-                __fisher_key_bindings_remove "$plugin_name"
-                continue
-        end
-        set -l dir "functions"
-        if test "$base" = "init.fish"
-            set dir "conf.d"
-            set base "$plugin_name.$base"
-        end
-        set -l target "$fish_path/$dir/$base"
-        command rm -f "$target"
-        functions -e "$name"
-        set -l backup_source "$fish_path/$dir/copy-$base"
-        if test -e "$backup_source"
-            command mv "$backup_source" "$target"
-            builtin source "$target" ^ /dev/null
-        end
-        if test "$base" = "set_color_custom.fish"
-            set -l fish_colors_config "$fish_path/fish_colors"
-            if test ! -f "$fish_colors_config"
-                __fisher_reset_default_fish_colors
-                continue
-            end
-            __fisher_restore_fish_colors < $fish_colors_config | builtin source ^ /dev/null
-            command rm -f $fish_colors_config
-        end
-    end
-    for file in $path/conf.d/*.{py,awk}
-        set -l base (basename "$file")
-        command rm -f "$fish_path/conf.d/$base"
-    end
-    for file in $path/{functions/,}*.{py,awk}
-        set -l base (basename "$file")
-        command rm -f "$fish_path/functions/$base"
-    end
-    for file in $path/conf.d/*.fish
-        set -l base (basename "$file")
-        command rm -f "$fish_path/conf.d/$base"
-    end
-    for file in $path/completions/*.fish
-        set -l name (basename "$file" .fish)
-        set -l base "$name.fish"
-        command rm -f "$fish_path/completions/$base"
-        complete -c "$name" --erase
-    end
-    if __fisher_plugin_is_prompt "$path"
-        set -U fisher_active_prompt
-        builtin source $__fish_datadir/functions/fish_prompt.fish ^ /dev/null
-    end
-    command rm -rf "$path" >&2
-function __fisher_remove
-    if test -z "$argv"
-        return 1
-    end
-    set -l orphans
-    set -l removed
-    for i in $argv
-        set -l name (__fisher_plugin_get_names "$i")[1]
-        if test ! -d "$fisher_config/$name"
-            continue
-        end
-        set removed $removed $name
-        __fisher_show_spinner
-        __fisher_plugin_decrement_ref_count "$name"
-        if test -s "$fisher_config/$name/fishfile"
-            while read -l i
-                set -l name (__fisher_plugin_get_names "$i")[1]
-                if test (__fisher_plugin_get_ref_count "$name") -le 1
-                    set orphans $orphans "$name"
-                else
-                    __fisher_plugin_decrement_ref_count "$name"
-                end
-                __fisher_show_spinner
-            end < "$fisher_config/$name/fishfile"
-        end
-        __fisher_plugin_disable "$fisher_config/$name"
-        __fisher_show_spinner
-    end
-    for i in $orphans
-        __fisher_remove "$i" >&2
-    end
-function __fisher_get_plugin_name_from_gist -a url
-    set -l gist_id (printf "%s\n" "$url" | command sed 's|.*/||')
-    set -l name (fish -c "
-        $fisher_cmd_name -v > /dev/null
-        curl -Ss https://api.github.com/gists/$gist_id &
-        __fisher_jobs_await (__fisher_jobs_get -l)
-    " | command awk '
-        /"files": / {
-            files++
-        }
-        /"[^ ]+.fish": / && files {
-            gsub("^ *\"|\.fish.*", "")
-            print
-        }
-    ')
-    if test -z "$name"
-        return 1
-    end
-    printf "%s\n" $name
-function __fisher_remote_parse_header
-    command awk '
-        function get_page_count(s, rstart, rlength,    pages) {
-            if (split(substr(s, rstart, rlength), pages, "=")) {
-                return pages[2]
-            }
-        }
-        BEGIN {
-            FS = " <|>; |, <"
-        }
-        /^Link: / {
-            if (match($2, "&page=[0-9]*")) {
-                url = substr($2, 1, RSTART - 1)
-                page_next = get_page_count($2, RSTART, RLENGTH)
-                if (page_next) {
-                    page_last = get_page_count($4, RSTART, RLENGTH)
-                    printf("%s\n%s\n%s", url, page_next, page_last)
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    '
-function __fisher_remote_index_update
-    set -l index "$fisher_cache/.index"
-    set -l interval 3240
-    set -l players "fisherman" "oh-my-fish"
-    if test ! -z "$fisher_index_update_interval"
-        set interval "$fisher_index_update_interval"
-    end
-    if test -s "$index"
-        if set -l file_age (__fisher_get_file_age "$index")
-            if test "$file_age" -lt "$interval"
-                return
-            end
-        end
-    end
-    for i in $players
-        curl -u$GITHUB_USER:$GITHUB_TOKEN -Is "https://api.github.com/orgs/$i/repos?per_page=100" > "$index-header-$i" &
-    end
-    __fisher_jobs_await (__fisher_jobs_get -l)
-    for i in $players
-        set -l url "https://api.github.com/orgs/$i/repos?per_page=100"
-        set -l next 0
-        set -l last 0
-        set -l data
-        if test -s "$index-header-$i"
-            __fisher_remote_parse_header < "$index-header-$i" | read -az data
-            command rm -f "$index-header-$i"
-        end
-        if set -q data[3]
-            set -l url "$data[1]"
-            set -l next "$data[2]"
-            set -l last "$data[3]"
-        end
-        for page in "" (seq "$next" "$last")
-            if test "$page" = 0
-                continue
-            end
-            set -l next_url "$url"
-            if test ! -z "$page"
-                set next_url "$url&page=$page"
-            end
-            curl -u$GITHUB_USER:$GITHUB_TOKEN --max-time 10 -s "$next_url" | command awk -v ORS='' '
-                {
-                    gsub(/[{}[]]/, "")
-                } //
-            ' | command awk '
-                {
-                    n = split($0, a, /,[\t ]*"/)
-                    for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
-                        gsub(/"/, "", a[i])
-                        print(a[i])
-                    }
-                }
-            ' > "$index-$i-$page" &
-        end
-    end
-    __fisher_jobs_await (__fisher_jobs_get -l)
-    for i in $players
-        command cat "$index-$i-"*
-    end > "$index"
-    command rm "$index"-*
-    if test ! -s "$index"
-        return 1
-    end
-    command awk '
-        function quicksort(list, lo, hi, pivot,   j, i, t) {
-            pivot = j = i = t
-            if (lo >= hi) {
-                return
-            }
-            pivot = lo
-            i = lo
-            j = hi
-            while (i < j) {
-                while (list[i] <= list[pivot] && i < hi) {
-                    i++
-                }
-                while (list[j] > list[pivot]) {
-                    j--
-                }
-                if (i < j) {
-                    t = list[i]
-                    list[i] = list[j]
-                    list[j] = t
-                }
-            }
-            t = list[pivot]
-            list[pivot] = list[j]
-            list[j] = t
-            quicksort(list, lo, j - 1)
-            quicksort(list, j + 1, hi)
-        }
-        function reset_vars() {
-            name = info = stars = url = ""
-        }
-        {
-            if ($0 ~ /^name: /) {
-                name = substr($0, 7)
-            }
-            if ($0 ~ /^description: /) {
-                info = substr($0, 14)
-            }
-            if ($0 ~ /^stargazers_count: /) {
-                stars = substr($0, 19)
-            }
-            if (name != "" && stars != "") {
-                if (name ~ /oh-my-fish/) {
-                    reset_vars()
-                    next
-                }
-                url = "github.com/fisherman/" name
-                if (name ~ /^(plugin|theme)-/) {
-                    gsub(/^plugin-/, "", name)
-                    if (seen_names[name]) {
-                        reset_vars()
-                        next
-                    }
-                    url = "github.com/oh-my-fish/" name
-                    name = "omf/" name
-                } else {
-                    seen_names[name]++
-                }
-                if (info == "" || info == "null") {
-                    info = url
-                }
-                if (info ~ /\.$/) {
-                    info = substr(info, 1, length(info) - 1)
-                }
-                records[++record_count] = name "\t" info "\t" url "\t" stars
-                reset_vars()
-            }
-        }
-        END {
-            quicksort(records, 1, record_count)
-            for (i = 1; i <= record_count; i++) {
-                print(records[i])
-            }
-        }
-    ' < "$index" > "$index-tab"
-    if test ! -s "$index-tab"
-        command rm "$index"
-        return 1
-    end
-    command mv -f "$index-tab" "$index"
-function __fisher_list_remote -a format
-    set -l index "$fisher_cache/.index"
-    if not __fisher_remote_index_update
-        __fisher_log error "I could not update the remote index."
-        __fisher_log info "
-            This is most likely a problem with http://api.github.com/
-            or a connection timeout. If the problem persists, open an
-            issue in: <github.com/fisherman/fisherman/issues>
-        "
-        return 1
-    end
-    set -e argv[1]
-    set -l keys $argv
-    command awk -v FS=\t -v format_s="$format" -v keys="$keys" '
-        function basename(s,   n, a) {
-            n = split(s, a, "/")
-            return a[n]
-        }
-        function record_printf(fmt, name, info, url, stars) {
-            gsub(/%name/, name, fmt)
-            gsub(/%stars/, stars, fmt)
-            gsub(/%url/, url, fmt)
-            gsub(/%info/, info, fmt)
-            printf("%s", fmt)
-        }
-        BEGIN {
-            keys_n = split(keys, keys_a, " ")
-        }
-        {
-            if (keys_n > 0) {
-                for (i = 1; i <= keys_n; i++) {
-                    if (keys_a[i] == $1) {
-                        record_printf(format_s, $1, $2, $3, $4)
-                        next
-                    }
-                }
-            } else if ($1 !~ /^fisherman/) {
-                record_printf(format_s, $1, $2, $3, $4)
-            }
-        }
-    ' < "$index"
-function __fisher_list
-    set -l config "$fisher_config"/*
-    if test -z "$config"
-        return 1
-    end
-    set -l white
-    set -l links (command find $config -maxdepth 0 -type l ! -name "$fisher_active_prompt" ^ /dev/null)
-    set -l names (command find $config -maxdepth 0 -type d ! -name "$fisher_active_prompt" ^ /dev/null)
-    if test ! -z "$links"
-        set white "  "
-        printf "%s\n" $links | command sed "s|.*/|@ |"
-    end
-    if test ! -z "$fisher_active_prompt"
-        set white "  "
-        printf "* %s\n" "$fisher_active_prompt"
-    end
-    if test ! -z "$names"
-        printf "%s\n" $names | command sed "s|.*/|$white|"
-    end
-function __fisher_list_plugin_directory
-    if test -z "$argv"
-        return 1
-    end
-    for i in $argv
-        if test ! -d "$fisher_config/$i"
-            __fisher_log error "You can only list plugins you've installed." "$__fisher_stderr"
-            return 1
-        end
-    end
-    set -l fd "$__fisher_stderr"
-    set -l uniq_items
-    for i in $argv
-        if contains -- "$i" $uniq_items
-            continue
-        end
-        set uniq_items $uniq_items "$i"
-        set -l path "$fisher_config/$i"
-        pushd "$path"
-        set -l color (set_color $fish_color_command)
-        set -l nc (set_color normal)
-        set -l previous_tree
-        if contains -- --no-color $argv
-            set color
-            set nc
-            set fd "$__fisher_stdout"
-        end
-        printf "$color%s$nc\n" "$PWD" > $fd
-        for file in .* **
-            if test -f "$file"
-                switch "$file"
-                    case \*/\*
-                        set -l current_tree (dirname $file)
-                        if test "$previous_tree" != "$current_tree"
-                            printf "    $color%s/$nc\n" $current_tree
-                        end
-                        printf "        %s\n" (basename $file)
-                        set previous_tree $current_tree
-                    case \*
-                        printf "    %s\n" $file
-                end
-            end
-        end > $fd
-        popd
-    end
-function __fisher_log -a log message fd
-    if test -z "$argv"
-        return
-    end
-    switch "$fd"
-        case "/dev/null"
-            return
-        case "" "/dev/stderr"
-            set fd $__fisher_stderr
-        case \*
-            set nc ""
-            set okay ""
-            set info ""
-            set error ""
-    end
-    set -l nc (set_color normal)
-    set -l okay (set_color $fish_color_match)
-    set -l info (set_color $fish_color_match)
-    set -l error (set_color $fish_color_error)
-    printf "%s\n" "$message" | command awk '
-        function okay(s) {
-            printf("'"$okay"'%s'"$nc"' %s\n", "OK", s)
-        }
-        function info(s) {
-            printf("%s\n", s)
-        }
-        function error(s) {
-            printf("'"$error"'%s'"$nc"' %s\n", "!", s)
-        }
-        {
-            sub(/^[ ]+/, "")
-            gsub("``", "  ")
-            if (/&[^&]+&/) {
-                n = match($0, /&[^&]+&/)
-                if (n) {
-                    sub(/&[^&]+&/, "'"$$log"'" substr($0, RSTART + 1, RLENGTH - 2) "'"$nc"'", $0)
-                }
-            }
-            s[++len] = $0
-        }
-        END {
-            for (i = 1; i <= len; i++) {
-                if ((i == 1 || i == len) && (s[i] == "")) {
-                    continue
-                }
-                if (s[i] == "") {
-                    print
-                } else {
-                    '"$log"'(s[i])
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    ' > "$fd"
-function __fisher_jobs_get
-    jobs $argv | command awk -v FS=\t '
-        /[0-9]+\t/{
-            jobs[++job_count] = $1
-        }
-        END {
-            for (i = 1; i <= job_count; i++) {
-                print(jobs[i])
-            }
-            exit job_count == 0
-        }
-    '
-function __fisher_jobs_await
-    if test -z "$argv"
-        return
-    end
-    while true
-        for spinner in $fisher_spinners
-            printf "  $spinner  \r" >&2
-            sleep 0.05
-        end
-        set -l currently_active_jobs (__fisher_jobs_get)
-        if test -z "$currently_active_jobs"
-            break
-        end
-        set -l has_jobs
-        for i in $argv
-            if builtin contains -- $i $currently_active_jobs
-                set has_jobs "*"
-                break
-            end
-        end
-        if test -z "$has_jobs"
-            break
-        end
-    end
-function __fisher_key_bindings_remove -a plugin_name
-    set -l user_key_bindings "$fish_path/functions/fish_user_key_bindings.fish"
-    if test ! -f "$user_key_bindings"
-        return
-    end
-    set -l tmp (date "+%s")
-    fish_indent < "$user_key_bindings" | command sed -n "/### $plugin_name ###/,/### $plugin_name ###/{s/^ *bind /bind -e /p;};" | builtin source ^ /dev/null
-    command sed "/### $plugin_name ###/,/### $plugin_name ###/d" < "$user_key_bindings" > "$user_key_bindings.$tmp"
-    command mv -f "$user_key_bindings.$tmp" "$user_key_bindings"
-    if command awk '
-        /^$/ { next }
-        /^function fish_user_key_bindings/ {
-            i++
-            next
-        }
-        /^end$/ && 1 == i {
-            exit 0
-        }
-        // {
-            exit 1
-        }
-    ' < "$user_key_bindings"
-        command rm -f "$user_key_bindings"
-    end
-function __fisher_key_bindings_append -a plugin_name file
-    set -l user_key_bindings "$fish_path/functions/fish_user_key_bindings.fish"
-    command mkdir -p (dirname "$user_key_bindings")
-    command touch "$user_key_bindings"
-    set -l key_bindings_source (
-        fish_indent < "$user_key_bindings" | command awk '
-            /^function fish_user_key_bindings/ {
-                reading_function_source = 1
-                next
-            }
-            /^end$/ && reading_function_source {
-                exit
-            }
-            reading_function_source {
-                print($0)
-                next
-            }
-        '
-    )
-    set -l plugin_key_bindings_source (
-        fish_indent < "$file" | command awk -v name="$plugin_name" '
-            BEGIN {
-                printf("### %s ###\n", name)
-            }
-            END {
-                printf("### %s ###\n", name)
-            }
-            /^function (fish_(user_)?)?key_bindings$/ {
-                is_end = 1
-                next
-            }
-            /^end$/ && is_end {
-                end = 0
-                next
-            }
-            !/^ *(#.*)*$/ {
-                gsub("#.*", "")
-                printf("%s\n", $0)
-            }
-        '
-    )
-    printf "%s\n" $plugin_key_bindings_source | source ^ /dev/null
-    fish_indent < "$user_key_bindings" | command awk '
-        {
-            if ($0 ~ /^function fish_user_key_bindings/) {
-                reading_function_source = 1
-                next
-            } else if ($0 ~ /^end$/ && reading_function_source) {
-                reading_function_source = 0
-                next
-            }
-            if (!reading_function_source) {
-                print($0)
-            }
-        }
-    ' > "$user_key_bindings-copy"
-    command mv -f "$user_key_bindings-copy" "$user_key_bindings"
-    printf "%s\n" $key_bindings_source $plugin_key_bindings_source | command awk '
-        BEGIN {
-            print "function fish_user_key_bindings"
-        }
-        //
-        END {
-            print "end"
-        }
-    ' | fish_indent >> "$user_key_bindings"
-function __fisher_plugin_is_prompt -a path
-    for file in "$path"/{,functions/}{fish_prompt,fish_right_prompt}.fish
-        if test -e "$file"
-            return
-        end
-    end
-    return 1
-function __fisher_plugin_get_names
-    printf "%s\n" $argv | command awk '
-        {
-            sub(/\/$/, "")
-            n = split($0, s, "/")
-            sub(/^(omf|omf-theme|omf-plugin|plugin|theme|fish|fisher|fish-plugin|fish-theme)-/, "", s[n])
-            printf("%s\n%s\n", s[n], s[n - 1])
-        }
-    '
-function __fisher_plugin_get_url_info -a option
-    set -e argv[1]
-    if test -z "$argv"
-        return
-    end
-    for dir in $argv
-        git -C $dir config remote.origin.url ^ /dev/null | command awk -v option="$option" '
-            {
-                n = split($0, s, "/")
-                if ($0 ~ /https:\/\/gist/) {
-                    printf("# %s\n", $0)
-                    next
-                }
-                if (option == "--dirname") {
-                    printf("%s\n", s[n - 1])
-                } else if (option == "--basename") {
-                    printf("%s\n", s[n])
-                } else {
-                    printf("%s/%s\n", s[n - 1], s[n])
-                }
-            }
-        '
-    end
-function __fisher_plugin_normalize_path
-    printf "%s\n" $argv | command awk -v pwd="$PWD" '
-        /^\.$/ {
-            print(pwd)
-            next
-        }
-        /^\// {
-            sub(/\/$/, "")
-            print($0)
-            next
-        }
-        {
-            print(pwd "/" $0)
-            next
-        }
-    '
-function __fisher_plugin_get_missing
-    for i in $argv
-        if test -d "$i"
-            set i (__fisher_plugin_normalize_path "$i")
-        end
-        set -l name (__fisher_plugin_get_names "$i")[1]
-        if test "$name" = fisherman
-            __fisher_log info "
-                Run &$fisher_cmd_name update& to update fisherman.
-            " >&2
-            continue
-        end
-        if set -l path (__fisher_plugin_is_installed "$name")
-            for file in fishfile bundle
-                if test -s "$path/$file"
-                    __fisher_plugin_get_missing (__fisher_read_bundle_file < "$path/$file")
-                end
-            end
-        else
-            printf "%s\n" "$i"
-        end
-    end
-    __fisher_show_spinner
-function __fisher_plugin_is_installed -a name
-    if test -z "$name" -o ! -d "$fisher_config/$name"
-        return 1
-    end
-    printf "%s\n" "$fisher_config/$name"
-function __fisher_print_fish_colors
-    printf "%s\n" "$fish_color_normal" "$fish_color_command" "$fish_color_param" "$fish_color_redirection" "$fish_color_comment" "$fish_color_error" "$fish_color_escape" "$fish_color_operator" "$fish_color_end" "$fish_color_quote" "$fish_color_autosuggestion" "$fish_color_user" "$fish_color_valid_path" "$fish_color_cwd" "$fish_color_cwd_root" "$fish_color_match" "$fish_color_search_match" "$fish_color_selection" "$fish_pager_color_prefix" "$fish_pager_color_completion" "$fish_pager_color_description" "$fish_pager_color_progress" "$fish_color_history_current" "$fish_color_host"
-function __fisher_restore_fish_colors
-    command awk '
-        {
-            if ($0 == "") {
-                set_option "-e"
-            } else {
-                set_option "-U"
-            }
-        }
-        NR == 1 {
-            print("set " set_option " fish_color_normal " $0)
-        }
-        NR == 2 {
-            print("set " set_option " fish_color_command " $0)
-        }
-        NR == 3 {
-            print("set " set_option " fish_color_param " $0)
-        }
-        NR == 4 {
-            print("set " set_option " fish_color_redirection " $0)
-        }
-        NR == 5 {
-            print("set " set_option " fish_color_comment " $0)
-        }
-        NR == 6 {
-            print("set " set_option " fish_color_error " $0)
-        }
-        NR == 7 {
-            print("set " set_option " fish_color_escape " $0)
-        }
-        NR == 8 {
-            print("set " set_option " fish_color_operator " $0)
-        }
-        NR == 9 {
-            print("set " set_option " fish_color_end " $0)
-        }
-        NR == 10 {
-            print("set " set_option " fish_color_quote " $0)
-        }
-        NR == 11 {
-            print("set " set_option " fish_color_autosuggestion " $0)
-        }
-        NR == 12 {
-            print("set " set_option " fish_color_user " $0)
-        }
-        NR == 13 {
-            print("set " set_option " fish_color_valid_path " $0)
-        }
-        NR == 14 {
-            print("set " set_option " fish_color_cwd " $0)
-        }
-        NR == 15 {
-            print("set " set_option " fish_color_cwd_root " $0)
-        }
-        NR == 16 {
-            print("set " set_option " fish_color_match " $0)
-        }
-        NR == 17 {
-            print("set " set_option " fish_color_search_match " $0)
-        }
-        NR == 18 {
-            print("set " set_option " fish_color_selection " $0)
-        }
-        NR == 19 {
-            print("set " set_option " fish_pager_color_prefix " $0)
-        }
-        NR == 20 {
-            print("set " set_option " fish_pager_color_completion " $0)
-        }
-        NR == 21 {
-            print("set " set_option " fish_pager_color_description " $0)
-        }
-        NR == 22 {
-            print("set " set_option " fish_pager_color_progress " $0)
-        }
-        NR == 23 {
-            print("set " set_option " fish_color_history_current " $0)
-        }
-        NR == 24 {
-            print("set " set_option " fish_color_host " $0)
-        }
-    '
-function __fisher_reset_default_fish_colors
-    set -U fish_color_normal normal
-    set -U fish_color_command 005fd7 purple
-    set -U fish_color_param 00afff cyan
-    set -U fish_color_redirection 005fd7
-    set -U fish_color_comment 600
-    set -U fish_color_error red --bold
-    set -U fish_color_escape cyan
-    set -U fish_color_operator cyan
-    set -U fish_color_end green
-    set -U fish_color_quote brown
-    set -U fish_color_autosuggestion 555 yellow
-    set -U fish_color_user green
-    set -U fish_color_valid_path --underline
-    set -U fish_color_cwd green
-    set -U fish_color_cwd_root red
-    set -U fish_color_match cyan
-    set -U fish_color_search_match --background=purple
-    set -U fish_color_selection --background=purple
-    set -U fish_pager_color_prefix cyan
-    set -U fish_pager_color_completion normal
-    set -U fish_pager_color_description 555 yellow
-    set -U fish_pager_color_progress cyan
-    set -U fish_color_history_current cyan
-    set -U fish_color_host normal
-function __fisher_read_bundle_file
-    command awk -v FS=\t '
-        /^$/ || /^[ \t]*#/ || /^(--|-).*/ {
-            next
-        }
-        /^omf\// {
-            sub(/^omf\//, "oh-my-fish/")
-            if ($0 !~ /(theme|plugin)-/) {
-                sub(/^oh-my-fish\//, "oh-my-fish/plugin-")
-            }
-        }
-        /^[ \t]*package / {
-            sub("^[ \t]*package ", "oh-my-fish/plugin-")
-        }
-        {
-            sub(/\.git$/, "")
-            sub("^[@* \t]*", "")
-            if (!dedupe[$0]++) {
-                printf("%s\n", $0)
-            }
-        }
-    '
-function __fisher_plugin_increment_ref_count -a name
-    set -U fisher_dependency_count $fisher_dependency_count $name
-function __fisher_plugin_decrement_ref_count -a name
-    if set -l i (contains --index -- "$name" $fisher_dependency_count)
-        set -e fisher_dependency_count[$i]
-    end
-function __fisher_plugin_get_ref_count -a name
-    printf "%s\n" $fisher_dependency_count | command awk -v plugin="$name" '
-        BEGIN {
-            i = 0
-        }
-        $0 == plugin {
-            i++
-        }
-        END {
-            print(i)
-        }
-    '
-function __fisher_complete
-    complete -xc $fisher_cmd_name -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -a install   -d "Install plugins"
-    complete -xc $fisher_cmd_name -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -a update    -d "Update plugins and self"
-    complete -xc $fisher_cmd_name -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -a rm        -d "Remove plugins"
-    complete -xc $fisher_cmd_name -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -a ls        -d "List what you've installed"
-    complete -xc $fisher_cmd_name -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -a ls-remote -d "List everything that's available"
-    complete -xc $fisher_cmd_name -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -a help      -d "Show help"
-    complete -xc $fisher_cmd_name -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -s h -l help     -d "Show usage help"
-    complete -xc $fisher_cmd_name -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -s v -l version  -d "Show version information"
-    complete -xc $fisher_cmd_name -s q -l quiet -d "Enable quiet mode"
-    complete -xc $fisher_cmd_name -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from ls-remote" -l "format" -d "Format with verbs: %name, %url, %info and %stars"
-    set -l config_glob "$fisher_config"/*
-    set -l config (printf "%s\n" $config_glob | command sed "s|.*/||")
-    if test ! -s "$fisher_cache/.index"
-        if test ! -z "$config"
-            complete -xc $fisher_cmd_name -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from l ls list u up update r rm remove h help" -a "$config"
-            complete -xc $fisher_cmd_name -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from l ls list u up update r rm remove h help" -a "$fisher_active_prompt" -d "Prompt"
-        end
-        return
-    end
-    set -l real_home ~
-    for name in (command find $config_glob -maxdepth 0 -type l ^ /dev/null)
-        set -l path (command readlink "$name")
-        set -l name (command basename "$name" | sed "s|$real_home|~|")
-        complete -xc $fisher_cmd_name -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from l ls list u up update r rm remove h help" -a "$name" -d "$path"
-    end
-    set -l IFS \t
-    command awk -v FS=\t -v OFS=\t '
-        {
-            print($1, $2)
-        }
-    ' "$fisher_cache/.index" ^ /dev/null | while read -l name info
-        switch "$name"
-            case fisherman\*
-                continue
-        end
-        complete -xc $fisher_cmd_name -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from info ls-remote" -a "$name" -d "$info"
-        if contains -- "$name" $config
-            complete -xc $fisher_cmd_name -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from l ls list u up update r rm remove h help" -a "$name" -d "$info"
-        else
-            complete -xc $fisher_cmd_name -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from i in install" -a "$name" -d "$info"
-        end
-    end
-    if functions -q __fisher_plugin_get_url_info
-        for i in (__fisher_plugin_get_url_info -- $config_glob)
-            switch "$i"
-                case fisherman\*
-                case \*
-                    set -l name (__fisher_plugin_get_names "$i")[1]
-                    complete -xc $fisher_cmd_name -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from l ls list u up update r rm remove h help" -a "$name" -d "$i"
-            end
-        end
-    end
-function __fisher_humanize_duration
-    command awk '
-        function hmTime(time,   stamp) {
-            split("h:m:s:ms", units, ":")
-            for (i = 2; i >= -1; i--) {
-                if (t = int( i < 0 ? time % 1000 : time / (60 ^ i * 1000) % 60 )) {
-                    stamp = stamp t units[sqrt((i - 2) ^ 2) + 1] " "
-                }
-            }
-            if (stamp ~ /^ *$/) {
-                return "0ms"
-            }
-            return substr(stamp, 1, length(stamp) - 1)
-        }
-        {
-            print hmTime($0)
-        }
-    '
-function __fisher_get_key
-    stty -icanon -echo ^ /dev/null
-    printf "$argv" >&2
-    while true
-        dd bs=1 count=1 ^ /dev/null | read -p "" -l yn
-        switch "$yn"
-            case y Y n N
-                printf "\n" >&2
-                printf "%s\n" $yn > /dev/stdout
-                break
-        end
-    end
-    stty icanon echo > /dev/stderr ^ /dev/null
-switch (command uname)
-    case Darwin FreeBSD
-        function __fisher_get_epoch_in_ms -a elapsed
-            if test -z "$elapsed"
-                set elapsed 0
-            end
-            if command -s perl > /dev/null
-                perl -MTime::HiRes -e 'printf("%.0f\n", (Time::HiRes::time() * 1000) - '$elapsed')'
-            else
-                math (command date "+%s") - $elapsed
-            end
-        end
-    case \*
-        function __fisher_get_epoch_in_ms -a elapsed
-            if test -z "$elapsed"
-                set elapsed 0
-            end
-            math (command date "+%s%3N") - $elapsed
-        end
-function __fisher_parse_column_output
-    command awk -v FS=\t '
-        {
-            for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) {
-                if ($i != "") {
-                    print $i
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    '
-function __fisher_get_file_age -a file
-    if type -q perl
-        perl -e "printf(\"%s\n\", time - (stat ('$file'))[9])" ^ /dev/null
-    else if type -q python
-        python -c "from __future__ import print_function; import os, time; print(int(time.time() - os.path.getmtime('$file')))" ^ /dev/null
-    end
-function __fisher_usage
-    set -l u (set_color -u)
-    set -l nc (set_color normal)
-    echo "Usage: $fisher_cmd_name [COMMAND] [PLUGINS]"
-    echo
-    echo "where COMMAND is one of:"
-    echo "      "$u"i"$nc"nstall (default)"
-    echo "      "$u"u"$nc"pdate"
-    echo "      "$u"r"$nc"m"
-    echo "      "$u"l"$nc"s (or ls-remote [--format=FORMAT])"
-    echo "      "$u"h"$nc"elp"
-function __fisher_version
-    set -l real_home ~
-    printf "fisherman version $fisher_version %s\n" (
-        __fisher_plugin_normalize_path (status -f) | command sed "s|$real_home|~|;s|$__fish_datadir|\$__fish_datadir|")
-function __fisher_help -a cmd number
-    if test -z "$argv"
-        set -l page "$fisher_cache/$fisher_cmd_name.1"
-        if test ! -s "$page"
-            __fisher_man_page_write > "$page"
-        end
-        if [ "$PREFIX" = "/data/data/com.termux/files/usr" ]
-          mandoc -a "$page"
-        else
-          set -l pager "/usr/bin/less -s"
-          if test ! -z "$PAGER"
-              set pager "$PAGER"
-          end
-          man -P "$pager" -- "$page"
-        end
-        command rm -f "$page"
-    else
-        if test -z "$number"
-            set number 1
-        end
-        set -l page "$fisher_config/$cmd/man/man$number/$cmd.$number"
-        if not man "$page" ^ /dev/null
-            if test -d "$fisher_config/$cmd"
-                __fisher_log info "There's no manual for this plugin." "$__fisher_stderr"
-                set -l url (__fisher_plugin_get_url_info -- "$fisher_config/$cmd")
-                __fisher_log info "Try online: <&github.com/$url&>" "$__fisher_stderr"
-            else
-                __fisher_log error "This plugin is not installed." "$__fisher_stderr"
-            end
-            return 1
-        end
-    end
-function __fisher_self_uninstall -a yn
-    set -l file (status --current-filename)
-    set -l u (set_color -u)
-    set -l nc (set_color normal)
-    switch "$yn"
-        case -y --yes
-        case \*
-            __fisher_log info "
-                This will permanently remove fisherman from your system.
-                The following directories and files will be erased:
-                $fisher_cache
-                $fisher_config
-                $fish_config/functions/$fisher_cmd_name.fish
-                $fish_config/completions/$fisher_cmd_name.fish
-            " >&2
-            echo -sn "Continue? [Y/n] " >&2
-            __fisher_get_key | read -l yn
-            switch "$yn"
-                case n N
-                    set -l username
-                    if test ! -z "$USER"
-                        set username " $USER"
-                    end
-                    __fisher_log okay "As you wish cap!"
-                    return 1
-            end
-    end
-    complete -c $fisher_cmd_name --erase
-    __fisher_show_spinner
-    echo "$fisher_cmd_name ls | $fisher_cmd_name rm -q" | source ^ /dev/null
-    __fisher_show_spinner
-    command rm -rf "$fisher_cache" "$fisher_config"
-    command rm -f "$fish_config"/{functions,completions}/$fisher_cmd_name.fish "$fisher_file"
-    set -e fish_config
-    set -e fish_path
-    set -e fisher_active_prompt
-    set -e fisher_cache
-    set -e fisher_config
-    set -e fisher_file
-    set -e fisher_version
-    set -e fisher_spinners
-    __fisher_log info "Done." "$__fisher_stderr"
-    set -l funcs (functions -a | command grep __fisher)
-    functions -e $funcs $fisher_cmd_name
-function __fisher_man_page_write
-    echo  '.
-.TH "FISHERMAN" "1" "May 2016" "" "fisherman"
-\fBfisherman\fR \- fish plugin manager
-'"$fisher_cmd_name"' [(\fBi\fRnstall | \fBu\fRpdate | \fBl\fRs[\-remote] | \fBr\fRm | \fBh\fRelp) PLUGINS]
-A plugin manager for fish\.
-.IP "\(bu" 4
-\-v, \-\-version: Show version information\.
-.IP "\(bu" 4
-\-h, \-\-help: Show usage help\. Use the long form to display this page\.
-.IP "\(bu" 4
-\-q, \-\-quiet: Enable quiet mode\. Use to suppress output\.
-.IP "" 0
-Install a plugin\.
-.IP "" 4
-'"$fisher_cmd_name"' mono
-.IP "" 0
-Install some plugins\.
-.IP "" 4
-'"$fisher_cmd_name"' z fzf edc/bass omf/tab
-.IP "" 0
-Install a specific branch\.
-.IP "" 4
-'"$fisher_cmd_name"' edc/bass:master
-.IP "" 0
-Install a specific tag\.
-.IP "" 4
-'"$fisher_cmd_name"' done@1.2.0
-.IP "" 0
-Install a gist\.
-.IP "" 4
-'"$fisher_cmd_name"' https://gist\.github\.com/username/1f40e1c6e0551b2666b2
-.IP "" 0
-Install a local directory\.
-.IP "" 4
-'"$fisher_cmd_name"' ~/my/plugin
-.IP "" 0
-Edit your \fIfishfile\fR and run \fB'"$fisher_cmd_name"'\fR to commit changes\.
-.IP "" 4
-$EDITOR ~/\.config/fish/fishfile
-.IP "" 0
-Show everything you\'ve installed\.
-.IP "" 4
-'"$fisher_cmd_name"' ls
-@ plugin     # a local directory
-* mono       # the current prompt
-  bass
-  fzf
-  thefuck
-  z
-.IP "" 0
-Show everything that\'s available\.
-.IP "" 4
-'"$fisher_cmd_name"' ls\-remote
-.IP "" 0
-Update everything\.
-.IP "" 4
-'"$fisher_cmd_name"' up
-.IP "" 0
-Update some plugins\.
-.IP "" 4
-'"$fisher_cmd_name"' up bass z fzf
-.IP "" 0
-Remove plugins\.
-.IP "" 4
-'"$fisher_cmd_name"' rm thefuck
-.IP "" 0
-Remove all the plugins\.
-.IP "" 4
-'"$fisher_cmd_name"' ls | '"$fisher_cmd_name"' rm
-.IP "" 0
-Get help\.
-.IP "" 4
-'"$fisher_cmd_name"' help z
-.IP "" 0
-.SH "FAQ"
-.SS "What is the required fish version?"
-For \fIsnippet\fR support, upgrade to >=2\.3\.0 or append the following code to your \fI~/\.config/fish/config\.fish\fR\.
-.IP "" 4
-for file in ~/\.config/fish/conf\.d/*\.fish
-    source $file
-.IP "" 0
-.SS "Is fisherman compatible with oh\-my\-fish themes and plugins?"
-.SS "Where does fisherman put stuff?"
-The cache and configuration go in \fI~/\.cache/fisherman\fR and \fI~/\.config/fisherman\fR respectively\.
-The fishfile is saved to \fI~/\.config/fish/fishfile\fR\.
-.SS "What is a fishfile and how do I use it?"
-The fishfile \fI~/\.config/fish/fishfile\fR lists what plugins you\'ve installed\.
-This file is updated automatically as you install / remove plugins. You can also edit this file and run \fBfisher\fR to commit changes\.
-This mechanism only installs plugins and missing dependencies\. To remove plugins, use \fBfisher rm\fR\.
-.SS "What is a plugin?"
-A plugin is:
-.IP "1." 4
-a directory or git repo with one or more \fI\.fish\fR functions either at the root level of the project or inside a \fIfunctions\fR directory
-.IP "2." 4
-a theme or prompt, i\.e, a \fIfish_prompt\.fish\fR, \fIfish_right_prompt\.fish\fR or both files
-.IP "3." 4
-a snippet, i\.e, one or more \fI\.fish\fR files inside a directory named \fIconf\.d\fR, evaluated by fish at the start of the session
-.IP "" 0
-.SS "How can I list plugins as dependencies to my plugin?"
-Create a new \fIfishfile\fR file at the root level of your project and write in the plugins\.'
diff --git a/fish/.config/fish/functions/getopts.fish b/fish/.config/fish/functions/getopts.fish
deleted file mode 120000
index 26b6df0..0000000
--- a/fish/.config/fish/functions/getopts.fish
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fish/.config/fish/functions/gitignore.fish b/fish/.config/fish/functions/gitignore.fish
deleted file mode 120000
index 9769b89..0000000
--- a/fish/.config/fish/functions/gitignore.fish
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fish/.config/fish/functions/humanize_duration.fish b/fish/.config/fish/functions/humanize_duration.fish
deleted file mode 120000
index f455b82..0000000
--- a/fish/.config/fish/functions/humanize_duration.fish
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fish/.config/fish/functions/node.fish b/fish/.config/fish/functions/node.fish
deleted file mode 120000
index 7831810..0000000
--- a/fish/.config/fish/functions/node.fish
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fish/.config/fish/functions/npm.fish b/fish/.config/fish/functions/npm.fish
deleted file mode 120000
index 807ba3a..0000000
--- a/fish/.config/fish/functions/npm.fish
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fish/.config/fish/functions/npx.fish b/fish/.config/fish/functions/npx.fish
deleted file mode 120000
index 611bce1..0000000
--- a/fish/.config/fish/functions/npx.fish
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fish/.config/fish/functions/nvm.fish b/fish/.config/fish/functions/nvm.fish
deleted file mode 120000
index 7d7c95c..0000000
--- a/fish/.config/fish/functions/nvm.fish
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fish/.config/fish/functions/nvm_alias_command.fish b/fish/.config/fish/functions/nvm_alias_command.fish
deleted file mode 120000
index 4826e6d..0000000
--- a/fish/.config/fish/functions/nvm_alias_command.fish
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fish/.config/fish/functions/nvm_alias_function.fish b/fish/.config/fish/functions/nvm_alias_function.fish
deleted file mode 120000
index ed884f2..0000000
--- a/fish/.config/fish/functions/nvm_alias_function.fish
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fish/.config/fish/functions/spin.fish b/fish/.config/fish/functions/spin.fish
deleted file mode 120000
index a7683e3..0000000
--- a/fish/.config/fish/functions/spin.fish
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fish/.config/fish/functions/vim.fsh b/fish/.config/fish/functions/vim.fsh
deleted file mode 100644
index 66cf889..0000000
--- a/fish/.config/fish/functions/vim.fsh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-function vim
-    if type -q nvim >/dev/null
-        nvim $argv
-    else
-        command vim $argv
-    end
diff --git a/fish/.config/fish/functions/yarn.fish b/fish/.config/fish/functions/yarn.fish
deleted file mode 120000
index 52c2a55..0000000
--- a/fish/.config/fish/functions/yarn.fish
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fish/.config/fish/nvm-wrapper b/fish/.config/fish/nvm-wrapper
deleted file mode 160000
-Subproject 691980b66b93d635d0d87629cbe7484ab1ac566