#!/usr/bin/env python3 from irctokens import build, Line from ircrobots import Bot as BaseBot from ircrobots import Server as BaseServer from ircrobots import ConnectionParams, SASLUserPass from random import randint, choice from tracery.modifiers import base_english import asyncio import configparser import glob import json import os import random import traceback import tracery HELPTEXT = "helo i'm a tracery bot that makes cool things from tracery grammars in your ~/.tracery. see http://tracery.io for more info" REPOLINK = "https://tildegit.org/ben/tracer" DB = {} config = configparser.ConfigParser( converters={"list": lambda x: [i.strip() for i in x.split(",")]} ) config.read("config.ini") bot = config["irc"] # read account info if it exists if os.path.isfile("account.ini"): account = configparser.ConfigParser() account.read("account.ini") account = account["nickserv"] def grammar(rules): try: res = tracery.Grammar(rules) res.add_modifiers(base_english) return res except Exception as e: print(e) def load_rules(path): try: with open(path) as f: return json.loads(f.read()) except Exception as e: print(e) def populate(): global DB DB = {} for p in glob.glob("/home/*/.tracery/*"): name, ext = os.path.splitext(p) name = os.path.basename(name) if name.startswith(".") or ext not in (".json", ""): continue if p in DB: DB[name].append(p) else: DB[name] = [p] populate() def generate(rule): populate() if rule in DB: g = random.choice(DB[rule]) return grammar(load_rules(g)).flatten("#origin#") def listify(col): if type(col) == type([]): return col else: return [col] def shuffle(col): a = random.choice(list(col)) b = random.choice(list(col)) if "origin" in [a, b]: return col col[a], col[b] = col[b], col[a] return col def fuse(argv): populate() raw = {} for gk in argv: if gk in DB: g = grammar(load_rules(random.choice(DB[gk]))).raw for k in g: if k in raw: raw[k] = listify(raw[k]) + listify(g[k]) else: raw[k] = g[k] for i in range(20): raw = shuffle(raw) return grammar(raw).flatten("#origin#") def think(line): chan = line.params[0] words = line.params[1].split(" ") if len(words) > 0: if words[0] == "!!list": res = "" for k in DB: res += k + " " return res elif words[0] == "!!fuse": if "|" in words: res = fuse(words[1 : words.index("|")]) if res: return " ".join(words[words.index("|") + 1 :]) + " " + res else: res = fuse(words[1:]) if res: return res elif words[0] == "!!source": return REPOLINK elif words[0] == "!botlist" or words[0] == "!!help": return HELPTEXT elif words[0][0:2] == "!!": print(words) res = generate(words[0][2:]) if res: if len(words) >= 3: if words[1] == "|": return " ".join(words[2:]) + " " + res else: return res else: return res class Server(BaseServer): async def line_send(self, line: Line): print(f"{self.name} > {line.format()}") async def line_read(self, line: Line): print(f"{self.name} < {line.format()}") if line.command == "001": await self.send(build("JOIN", [",".join(bot.getlist("channels"))])) await self.send(build("MODE", [self.nickname, "+B"])) if line.command == "INVITE": print(f"received invite to {line.params[1]}") await self.send(build("JOIN", [line.params[1]])) if ( line.command == "PRIVMSG" and self.has_channel(line.params[0]) and not line.hostmask is None and not self.casefold(line.hostmask.nickname) == self.nickname_lower and not ("batch" in line.tags and line.tags["batch"] == "1") and not "inspircd.org/bot" in line.tags and self.has_user(line.hostmask.nickname) ): try: response = think(line) if response is not None: await self.send(build("PRIVMSG", [line.params[0], response])) except Exception as e: print("ERROR", line) print(e) traceback.print_exc() class Bot(BaseBot): def create_server(self, name: str): return Server(self, name) async def main(): ircrobot = Bot() params = ConnectionParams( bot["nick"], host=bot["server"], port=bot.getint("port"), tls=bot.getboolean("tls"), sasl=SASLUserPass(account["username"], account["password"]), ) await ircrobot.add_server("tilde", params) await ircrobot.run() if __name__ == "__main__": asyncio.run(main())