;;; ghub-graphql.el --- access Github API using GrapthQL -*- lexical-binding: t -*- ;; Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Jonas Bernoulli ;; Author: Jonas Bernoulli ;; Homepage: https://github.com/magit/ghub ;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs. ;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) ;; any later version. ;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; For a copy of the GPL see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt. ;;; Code: (require 'dash) (require 'ghub) (require 'graphql) (require 'subr-x) (require 'treepy) ;;; Api (cl-defun ghub-graphql (graphql &optional variables &key username auth host silent callback errorback value extra) "Make a GraphQL request using GRAPHQL and VARIABLES. Return the response as a JSON-like alist. Even if the response contains `errors', do not raise an error. GRAPHQL is a GraphQL string. VARIABLES is a JSON-like alist. The other arguments behave as for `ghub-request' (which see)." (cl-assert (stringp graphql)) (cl-assert (not (stringp variables))) (ghub-request "POST" "/graphql" nil :payload (json-encode `(("query" . ,graphql) ,@(and variables `(("variables" ,@variables))))) :silent silent :username username :auth auth :host host :callback callback :errorback errorback :extra extra :value value)) (cl-defun ghub-graphql-rate-limit (&key username auth host) "Return rate limit information." (let-alist (ghub-graphql "query { rateLimit { limit cost remaining resetAt }}" nil :username username :auth auth :host host) .data.rateLimit)) (cl-defun ghub--repository-id (owner name &key username auth host) "Return the id of the repository specified by OWNER, NAME and HOST." (let-alist (ghub-graphql "query ($owner:String!, $name:String!) { repository(owner:$owner, name:$name) { id } }" `((owner . ,owner) (name . ,name)) :username username :auth auth :host host) .data.repository.id)) ;;; Api (drafts) (defconst ghub-fetch-repository '(query (repository [(owner $owner String!) (name $name String!)] name id createdAt updatedAt nameWithOwner description (defaultBranchRef name) isArchived isFork isLocked isMirror isPrivate hasIssuesEnabled hasWikiEnabled (licenseInfo name) (stargazers totalCount) (watchers totalCount) (assignableUsers [(:edges t)] id login name) (issues [(:edges t) (:singular issue number) (orderBy ((field . UPDATED_AT) (direction . DESC)))] number state (author login) title createdAt updatedAt closedAt locked (milestone id) body (assignees [(:edges t)] id) (comments [(:edges t)] databaseId (author login) createdAt updatedAt body) (labels [(:edges t)] id)) (labels [(:edges t) (:singular label id)] id name color description) (pullRequests [(:edges t) (:singular pullRequest number) (orderBy ((field . UPDATED_AT) (direction . DESC)))] number state (author login) title createdAt updatedAt closedAt mergedAt locked maintainerCanModify isCrossRepository (milestone id) body (baseRef name (repository nameWithOwner)) (headRef name (repository (owner login) nameWithOwner)) (assignees [(:edges t)] id) (comments [(:edges t)] databaseId (author login) createdAt updatedAt body) (labels [(:edges t)] id))))) (cl-defun ghub-fetch-repository (owner name callback &optional until &key username auth host forge) "Asynchronously fetch forge data about the specified repository. Once all data has been collected, CALLBACK is called with the data as the only argument." (ghub--graphql-vacuum ghub-fetch-repository `((owner . ,owner) (name . ,name)) callback until :narrow '(repository) :username username :auth auth :host host :forge forge)) (cl-defun ghub-fetch-issue (owner name number callback &optional until &key username auth host forge) "Asynchronously fetch forge data about the specified issue. Once all data has been collected, CALLBACK is called with the data as the only argument." (ghub--graphql-vacuum (ghub--graphql-prepare-query ghub-fetch-repository `(repository issues (issue . ,number))) `((owner . ,owner) (name . ,name)) callback until :narrow '(repository issue) :username username :auth auth :host host :forge forge)) (cl-defun ghub-fetch-pullreq (owner name number callback &optional until &key username auth host forge) "Asynchronously fetch forge data about the specified pull-request. Once all data has been collected, CALLBACK is called with the data as the only argument." (ghub--graphql-vacuum (ghub--graphql-prepare-query ghub-fetch-repository `(repository pullRequests (pullRequest . ,number))) `((owner . ,owner) (name . ,name)) callback until :narrow '(repository pullRequest) :username username :auth auth :host host :forge forge)) ;;; Internal (cl-defstruct (ghub--graphql-req (:include ghub--req) (:constructor ghub--make-graphql-req) (:copier nil)) (query nil :read-only t) (variables nil :read-only t) (until nil :read-only t) (pages 0 :read-only nil)) (cl-defun ghub--graphql-vacuum (query variables callback &optional until &key narrow username auth host forge) "Make a GraphQL request using QUERY and VARIABLES. See Info node `(ghub)GraphQL Support'." (unless host (setq host (ghub--host forge))) (unless (or username (stringp auth) (eq auth 'none)) (setq username (ghub--username host forge))) (ghub--graphql-retrieve (ghub--make-graphql-req :url (url-generic-parse-url (concat "https://" host "/graphql")) :method "POST" :headers (ghub--headers nil host auth username forge) :handler 'ghub--graphql-handle-response :query query :variables variables :until until :callback (if narrow (lambda (data) (let ((path narrow) key) (while (setq key (pop path)) (setq data (cdr (assq key data))))) (funcall callback data)) callback)))) (cl-defun ghub--graphql-retrieve (req &optional lineage cursor) (let ((p (cl-incf (ghub--graphql-req-pages req)))) (when (> p 1) (message "Fetching page %s..." p))) (ghub--retrieve (let ((json-false nil)) (ghub--encode-payload `((query . ,(ghub--graphql-encode (ghub--graphql-prepare-query (ghub--graphql-req-query req) lineage cursor))) (variables . ,(ghub--graphql-req-variables req))))) req)) (defun ghub--graphql-prepare-query (query &optional lineage cursor) (when lineage (setq query (ghub--graphql-narrow-query query lineage cursor))) (let ((loc (ghub--alist-zip query)) variables) (cl-block nil (while t (let ((node (treepy-node loc))) (when (vectorp node) (let ((alist (cl-coerce node 'list)) vars) (when (assq :edges alist) (push (list 'first 100) vars) (setq loc (treepy-up loc)) (setq node (treepy-node loc)) (setq loc (treepy-replace loc `(,(car node) ,(cadr node) (pageInfo endCursor hasNextPage) (edges (node ,@(cddr node)))))) (setq loc (treepy-down loc)) (setq loc (treepy-next loc))) (dolist (elt alist) (cond ((keywordp (car elt))) ((= (length elt) 3) (push (list (nth 0 elt) (nth 1 elt)) vars) (push (list (nth 1 elt) (nth 2 elt)) variables)) ((= (length elt) 2) (push elt vars)))) (setq loc (treepy-replace loc (cl-coerce vars 'vector)))))) (if (treepy-end-p loc) (let ((node (copy-sequence (treepy-node loc)))) (when variables (push (cl-coerce variables 'vector) (cdr node))) (cl-return node)) (setq loc (treepy-next loc))))))) (defun ghub--graphql-handle-response (status req) (let ((buffer (current-buffer))) (unwind-protect (progn (set-buffer-multibyte t) (let* ((headers (ghub--handle-response-headers status req)) (payload (ghub--handle-response-payload req)) (payload (ghub--handle-response-error status payload req)) (err (plist-get status :error)) (errors (cdr (assq 'errors payload))) (errors (and errors (cons 'ghub-graphql-error errors))) (data (assq 'data payload)) (value (ghub--req-value req))) (setf (ghub--req-value req) value) (if (or err errors) (if-let ((errorback (ghub--req-errorback req))) (funcall errorback (or err errors) headers status req) (ghub--signal-error (or err errors))) (ghub--graphql-walk-response value data req)))) (when (buffer-live-p buffer) (kill-buffer buffer))))) (defun ghub--graphql-walk-response (loc data req) (if (not loc) (setf (ghub--req-value req) (setq loc (ghub--alist-zip data))) (setq data (ghub--graphql-narrow-data data (ghub--graphql-lineage loc))) (setf (alist-get 'edges data) (append (alist-get 'edges (treepy-node loc)) (or (alist-get 'edges data) (error "BUG: Expected new nodes")))) (setq loc (treepy-replace loc data))) (cl-block nil (while t (when (eq (car-safe (treepy-node loc)) 'edges) (setq loc (treepy-up loc)) (pcase-let ((`(,key . ,val) (treepy-node loc))) (let-alist val (let* ((cursor (and .pageInfo.hasNextPage .pageInfo.endCursor)) (until (cdr (assq (intern (format "%s-until" key)) (ghub--graphql-req-until req)))) (nodes (mapcar #'cdar .edges)) (nodes (if until (--take-while (or (string> (cdr (assq 'updatedAt it)) until) (setq cursor nil)) nodes) nodes))) (if cursor (progn (setf (ghub--req-value req) loc) (ghub--graphql-retrieve req (ghub--graphql-lineage loc) cursor) (cl-return)) (setq loc (treepy-replace loc (cons key nodes)))))))) (if (not (treepy-end-p loc)) (setq loc (treepy-next loc)) (funcall (ghub--req-callback req) (treepy-root loc)) (cl-return))))) (defun ghub--graphql-lineage (loc) (let (lineage) (while (treepy-up loc) (push (car (treepy-node loc)) lineage) (setq loc (treepy-up loc))) lineage)) (defun ghub--graphql-narrow-data (data lineage) (let (key) (while (setq key (pop lineage)) (if (consp (car lineage)) (progn (pop lineage) (setf data (cadr data))) (setq data (assq key (cdr data)))))) data) (defun ghub--graphql-narrow-query (query lineage cursor) (if (consp (car lineage)) (let* ((child (cddr query)) (alist (cl-coerce (cadr query) 'list)) (single (cdr (assq :singular alist)))) `(,(car single) ,(vector (list (cadr single) (cdr (car lineage)))) ,@(if (cdr lineage) (ghub--graphql-narrow-query child (cdr lineage) cursor) child))) (let* ((child (or (assq (car lineage) (cdr query)) (cl-find-if (lambda (c) (and (listp c) (vectorp (cadr c)) (eq (cadr (assq :singular (cl-coerce (cadr c) 'list))) (car lineage)))) (cdr query)))) (object (car query)) (args (and (vectorp (cadr query)) (cadr query)))) `(,object ,@(and args (list args)) ,(cond ((cdr lineage) (ghub--graphql-narrow-query child (cdr lineage) cursor)) (cursor `(,(car child) ,(vconcat `((after ,cursor)) (cadr child)) ,@(cddr child))) (t child)))))) (defun ghub--graphql-encode (g) (if (symbolp g) (symbol-name g) (let* ((object (car g)) (args (and (vectorp (cadr g)) (cl-coerce (cadr g) 'list))) (fields (if args (cddr g) (cdr g)))) (concat (graphql--encode-object object) (and args (format " (\n%s)" (mapconcat (pcase-lambda (`(,key ,val)) (graphql--encode-argument key val)) args ",\n"))) (and fields (format " {\n%s\n}" (mapconcat #'ghub--graphql-encode fields "\n"))))))) (defun ghub--alist-zip (root) (let ((branchp (lambda (elt) (and (listp elt) (listp (cdr elt))))) (make-node (lambda (_ children) children))) (treepy-zipper branchp #'identity make-node root))) ;;; _ (provide 'ghub-graphql) ;;; ghub-graphql.el ends here