using System; using System.Diagnostics; using aoc2019.lib; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; namespace aoc2019.test { [TestClass] public class Tests { [DataTestMethod] [DataRow(typeof(Day01), "3394106", "5088280")] [DataRow(typeof(Day02), "3085697", "9425")] [DataRow(typeof(Day03), "1195", "91518")] [DataRow(typeof(Day04), "1079", "699")] [DataRow(typeof(Day05), "7692125", "14340395")] [DataRow(typeof(Day06), "145250", "274")] [DataRow(typeof(Day07), "19650", "35961106")] [DataRow(typeof(Day08), "2413", "\nxxx xx xxx xxxx xxx \nx x x x x x x x x \nxxx x x x x xxx \nx x x xxx x x x \nx x x x x x x x \nxxx xx x xxxx xxx ")] [DataRow(typeof(Day09), "3409270027", "82760")] [DataRow(typeof(Day10), "260", "608")] [DataRow(typeof(Day11), "2054", "\n # # ### #### #### ## ## # # ### \n # # # # # # # # # # # # # \n ## # # # ### # # # #### ### \n # # ### # # #### # # # # # \n # # # # # # # # # # # # # # \n # # # # #### #### # # ## # # ### ")] [DataRow(typeof(Day12), "10635", "583523031727256")] //[DataRow(typeof(Day13), "361", "after 7133 moves, the score is: 17590")] [DataRow(typeof(Day14), "397771", "3126714")] [DataRow(typeof(Day15), "280", "400")] [DataRow(typeof(Day16), "90744714", "82994322")] [DataRow(typeof(Day17), "2804", "")] [DataRow(typeof(Day19), "114", "10671712")] [DataRow(typeof(Day21), "", "")] [DataRow(typeof(Day23), "23626", "19019")] public void TestAllDays(Type dayType, string part1, string part2) { // create day instance var s = Stopwatch.StartNew(); var day = (Day) Activator.CreateInstance(dayType); s.Stop(); Assert.IsNotNull(day, "failed to create day object"); Console.WriteLine($"{s.ScaleMilliseconds()}ms elapsed in constructor"); // part 1 s.Reset(); s.Start(); var part1Actual = day.Part1(); s.Stop(); Console.WriteLine($"{s.ScaleMilliseconds()}ms elapsed in part1"); Assert.AreEqual(part1, part1Actual, $"Incorrect answer for Day {day.DayNumber} Part1"); // part 2 s.Reset(); s.Start(); var part2Actual = day.Part2(); s.Stop(); Console.WriteLine($"{s.ScaleMilliseconds()}ms elapsed in part2"); Assert.AreEqual(part2, part2Actual, $"Incorrect answer for Day {day.DayNumber} Part2"); } } }